Inner City Problems
Process of Deterioration # of low residences the territory the occupy expands. Filtering – subdividing of houses and occupy by successive waves of lower – income people
Redlining Some banks engage in redlining –drawing lines on the map to identify areas in which they will refuse to loan money to. Illegal – but hard to enforce
Urban Renewal Cities identify blighted inner – city neighborhoods, acquire the properties from private owners, relocate the residents and business, clear the site, and build new roads and utilities.
Public housing Low income housing paying 30% of their income for rent. Local housing authorities (govt) manage the buildings. Cites have also experimented with scattered – site public housing Govt has stopped funding construction of new public housing
Renovated Housing The process by which middle – class people move into deteriorated inner – city neighborhoods and renovate the housing is known as gentrification.
How Neighborhoods Are Changing… The effects of “gentrification” on Los Angeles neighborhoods Pros? Cons? High Line Park, NYC
Reflect…What’s your thoughts??? q26WY q26WY
Inner – City Problems Underclass – trapped in an unending cycle of economic and social problems. High Unemployment Alcoholism / Drug Addiction Illiteracy Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Ethnic & Racial Segregation
Inner – City Economic Problems Public services…pay low taxes to support the services. Cities have 2 choices to close the gap 1. Reduce services (close libraries – some public transportation – collecting trash less delaying outdated school equipment etc…) 2. Raise tax revenues
Annexation To process of legally adding land area to a city. During the 19 th cent benefited with city infrastructure Today.. don’t want to pay city taxes