Class Rules
Rules No Phones. You will be sent out. No Eating or Drinking. (Do not bring it into the room) Be Prepared for Class. (Notebook and Pen/Pencil) Be on Time. (That means working at the bell) Be Respectful.
Guideline 1: Keep the Room Clean Trash in trash bucket, paper in green recycle bucket, cans/plastic in blue recycle bucket Clean up your area before leaving the room. Do not write on the desks or you will clean all of them in the afternoon.
Guideline 2: Follow Directions Follow directions the first time they are given. When my lips are moving, yours should not be.
Guideline 3: No Whining This classroom is no whining/sniveling zone. So, no whining or sniveling for any reason, especially about grades. I do not give them; you earn them.
Guideline 4: Respect Respect is essential in the classroom. Remember, respect is a two-way street. Refrain from profanity, fighting, damaging property or being disrespectful. Otherwise, you will be sent to the Dean.
Procedure 1: Entering the Room No food, drink, phone. Be in your assigned seat and working on the problem of the day or ready to work when the bell rings. If late, knock on door (it will be locked). I will open it at my convenience. Hand me your pass. Take your seat. You are responsible for what you missed. If you do not have a pass, go get one from the Dean.
Procedure 2: Notebooks You need a notebook and a file folder for handouts for this class. Take notes every day. Keep all handouts. Ensure you put the date on everything and keep in chronological order. This will assist you greatly.
Procedure 3: Paper/Notes Heading Your Name Course, Period Date
Procedure 4: Make Up Work - Absences You are responsible for making up missed work. Assignments will be posted at the end of the day on the website and put in the course basket with your name on the top. Lecture notes will be in the course book next to the basket. If you missed a quiz or test, coordinate to make it up during advisory.
Procedure 5: Make Up Work – Failing Grades If you fail a test, quiz or PBA, you can attempt to make it up as per course outline. – Step one: revise/correct the failed item – Step two: retake a new version of the item Your score will be the average of the two.
Procedure 6: Grade Reports Your grade is comprised as follows: 10% Classwork/Homework 20% Quizzes 70% Tests Term Project will count as one test grade (term 3) You will receive a grade report printout every two weeks. So, there is no excuse for not knowing your grade at midterm or report card time.
Procedure 7: Leaving the Room The bell is not the signal to leave the room. Five minutes before the bell is not the time to leave. Remain seated and working until I say “Have a good one.” At that time, you are free to pack up your work. Do not cluster by the door. If you need to go to the restroom, raise your hand. You will be allowed to go, but only one at a time. You cannot use the latrine during the last 10 minutes of class. If you need to go to the nurse, raise your hand. You will be allowed to go.