Introduction To Transportation Technology of Today Mr. Plansinis
Introduction Transportation is one of the basic technologies found in all developed societies. We all use transportation Directly Driving your car to work In-directly Fresh foods Mail Products
Defining Transportation Technology Transportation is a system of technology that uses technical means to meet human wants and needs by moving people and freight. The main goal of transportation technology is to move someone ore something from one place to another safely and efficiently.
Passengers When people are moved in a car, on a bus, or on a bicycle, you are a passenger of transportation.
Freight Freight is a generic term used to mean any load or cargo of materials, goods or products that are moved. Mail Products Etc… Freight sub-assemblies Conveyor belt Water, oil and gas pipelines Etc…
Technologies Are Interdependant Each system of technology is dependant on other systems of technology. Ex. Communication devices like maps, traffic lights, road signs, RADAR, and sonar are vital to the safe operation of transportation systems How does transportation interdependent with the communications industry? Manufacturing? Construction? Bio-related? Energy and Power?
How important is Transportation? Almost all products and services are transported at one time or another. Could you raise all your own food? Process the raw material to make all of your clothes? If you didn’t have the knowledge to create advanced technologies you would not have them.
Transportation and Recreation. As a society we find transportation so exciting that many of our favorite means of recreation are systems of transportation. Bikes Skateboads Toy trucks Model Trains Etc…
Tradeoffs of Transportation. A tradeoff is an exchange, or giving up, of one benefit in order to receive or gain another benefit. The cost of transportation? Buying a car. How many deaths are caused by automobiles?
Environments of Transportation Land Stationary- Vehicular- Water Inland oceanic Air Lighter than air Heavier than air Space Staffed Un-staffed
Routes Routes are pathways used in the different environments of transportation. Fixed Routes- Are very restrictive and limit the travel of the vehicle Random Routes- are much more flexible and allow for greater possibilities of movement of a vehicle.
Technical Subsystems of Transportation Subsystems are parts of a larger system. Just like the 6 areas of technology is a subsystem. Transportation Subsystems Structure Propulsion Suspension Guidance Control Support
Subsystem - Structure Structure deals with the design and materials used to form the body or framework of a vehicle or stationary system.
Subsystem - Propulsion Propulsion provides the energy needed for movement. Source – Fuel Energy Conversion - changing the form of the fuel Transmission – using the converted fuel to create movement.
Subsystem - Suspension Suspension associates a vehicle or stationary system to its environment. Mechanical – springs, shocks Fluid – Wings, boat hull, inflatable tires Magnetic – Maglev trains
Subsystem - Guidance Guidance systems provide the operator, or an operating system with information. Visual – traffic lights and maps Mechanical – bumper sensors Electronic – RADAR, Sonar, CB’s
Subsystem - Control Control systems change the speed or direction of a vehicle or stationary system. Ex. Brakes Accelerator Steering wheel
Subsystem – Support Support is a catch all system that deals with life support, legal support, operations support, maintenance support, and economic support. Safety belts, traffic laws, bridges and highways, mechanics, money spent and made.
Systems model of Transportation Inputs Materials Tools and Machines People Information Energy Money Time
Systems model of Transportation Process The Processes of transportation that relate to the technical operations performed to make a transportation system operate. Subsystems of Transportation
Systems model of Transportation Outputs Moved passengers and freight and the resulting impacts and tradeoffs. Feedback A means of monitoring and adjusting the operation of a transportation system. If the outputs do not match the goal, adjustments are made to the other parts of the system.
Transportation Today 2.2 million miles of paved highway 1.7 million miles of unpaved roads 140 million automobiles 150 thousand miles of railroad track. 10 million bicycles 40 thousand commercial boats 16 million recreation boats