. Ancient Greece:
Geography No major rivers Short mountain ranges crossing the area (allows for individual cities to develop) Mild climate Long coastline (encourage trade)
Minoans + Mycenaeans = The Greeks Origins of the Greeks: Minoans & Mycenaeans 2800 B.C.E B.C.E.
Minoans ( BCE) Lived on island of Crete City of Knossos Existed as contemporaries (at the time of) Egypt’s Old Kingdom Government: Priest/kings Cities NOT surrounded by walls Ship Builders & Traders Overpowered by Mycenaeans by 1400 BCE
Minoans created and traded pottery, leather, bronze armor, and metal jewelry. They also enjoyed sports such as boxing and ?.
the Palace of Knossos (notice the fresco)
Minoan fresco: Prince of Knossos
Minoan Religion (not necessary to write) Polytheists Main god: Great Goddess, (Mother Earth) Built shrines on housetops, hilltops, and in caves Offerings included: –Human hair –fruit –flowers –jewels –gold
Aspects of Minoan civilization are connected to in the legendary fight of Theseus, a young Greek prince, and the Minotaur. (Minotaur and King Minos) (Sculptures of Theseus and defeated Minotaur)
Mycenaeans ( BCE) Lived in lower Greece (the Pelopponesus) Built fortress-palaces on hilltops Became most powerful people in Aegean world by 1400 BCE Trojan War (1200’s BCE)
The “Dark Age” ( BCE) Civil wars broke out following Trojan War Dorians conquered Mycenaeans Aegean world entered into an era of “wandering and killing” Independent communities(city- states) developed
Mystery and Archeology Video: “Aegean ( Legacy of Atlantis )”
The City of Troy Layered view of nine major settlements of Troy by Christopher Haussner based on archaelogical excavation. Discovered by Heinrich Schliemann (amateur German archeologist) in the late 1800’s.
Greek City-States ( BCE)
Greek City-States The Hellenes (the Greeks) emerge from the Dark Age after 800 BCE The Polis, or city-state was the center of Greek life Polis structure (common characteristics) –Acropolis (fortified hill) –Agora (marketplace at foot of acropolis) –Small population (10,000, Athens the largest at 140,000?) –Small area of control
Greek Civics and Politics Civic honor and personal honor are one and the same The Polis (your personal city-state) is above everything else BUT… the separate cities had in common- language, temples, customs(ex. the Olympic Games) Greenblatt, Lemmo. Human Heritage. Glencoe, McGraw-Hill 1995.
City State Power structure Nobles- military cavalry Aristocracy develops- “rule by the best” By 600’s BCE the military role of the hoplite develops. These soldiers demand a say in government BCE Tyrants rule in many city states- originally “tyrant” meant “one who takes over with the people’s support” …but the meaning changed (Because of leaders like Draco in Athens= draconian)
A new form of Government: The First Democratic Constitution Solon (an archon) created 1st Constitution (594 BCE) –Set of principles and rules for governing The first real democratic constitution was created by Cleisthenes in 508 BCE (lasted 300 yrs.) Limits power of rich All Athenian citizens(land owners) were able to participate in government- they could vote Creates a direct democracy Representation of Cleisthenes
High point of Greek Democracy: The Athenian Government Structure under Pericles BC This is the time period right after the Persian Wars All offices open to all citizens, Council of 500 chosen by lot, direct democracy, juries chosen by lot also …HOWEVER, Athens still had many slaves, many people in the city state were not citizens
Pericles: Athenian Democracy
Government of Sparta (The Military Ideal) Dorians conquered the natives they called them “helots” Citizens raised to become soldiers Two kings ruled at the same time Council of Elders - chose 5 ephors annually to act as guardians of the state and promised to uphold the laws of the kings. Classes of Society –The “equals” (landowners) –The “1/2 citizens” (free tax payers, soldiers) –“Helots” (slaves)
Sparta (The Military Ideal.) Strict discipline of the people= efficient and strong govt. Strong army Little individual freedom Art, philosophy and science neglected (less importance)
Greek Spartan Cultural Legacy Spartan- “self disciplined and restrained” Together they went beyond their limitations.
Greek Culture Temple of Zeus in Athens Mount Olympus
Greek Cultural Values Cardinal Virtues… Courage, temperance, justice, wisdom(prudence) “Destroyer” of Virtue… Hybris(hubris) = Arrogance
Religion: The Oracle at Delphi The most important priestess was the “Pythias” in the Oracle Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Delphi was the center of the world for Greeks.
Gods with human qualities (anthropomorphism) Poseiden The Courtship of Venus and Mars Aphrodite
Religion cont. Religion “explained” mysteries of the physical world Explained why people lose self control (passions) How to gain benefits from the gods (fortune, long life, harvests) Not about salvation, or life in heaven
The Great Greek Philosophers Socrates Plato Aristotle
Socrates ( BCE) Athenian Stonemason Argued with Athenian assembly Taught: Wise men question everything, use step-by-step questioning to reach a final conclusion (Socratic Method) Executed for supposedly denying the gods, corrupting youth, and trying to overthrow government. Greenblatt, Lemmo. Human Heritage. Glencoe, McGraw-Hill
Plato ( BCE) Pupil of Socrates Created a written record of Socrates’ speeches Father of Political Science Founded The Academy to train government leaders Wrote The Republic & The Dialogues evansville.edu/
Aristotle ( BCE) Pupil of Plato at The Academy Trained in Medicine Called the “Master of Them That Know” First to classify plants & animals Developed steps in scientific method (Question, Hypothesis and Test) PlatoAristotle
Greek Theater Began during festivals honoring the god Dionysus (600 BCE) Types of Plays –Tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides –Comedies Aristophanes Only men could act in plays Theater was a civic responsibility the Greek theatre and the temple of Apollon, the archeological site of Delphes