Board One Tie Breaker… What caused the invasion of Greece by Phillip II? 10 extra points Which Greek city state promoted the most effective lifestyle? Justify your answer
Rules of Jeopardy 1.Everyone will work in pairs or groups of 3, with one recording paper for each group. 2. Your recording paper should have your names at the top and a table that contains, the category of the question, the point value, the answer and the total point for the team. (see example) This table must be turned in at the end of class… 3.The team with the most points wins…. A homework pass 4.If anyone should shout out an answer then everyone in the class will not be eligible to receive the points for the question And your group will lose 50 points 5. How the points add up Correct answers add the assigned point value to your total score, incorrect answer subtract that point value from your score… Question Category Point valueAnswerTotal Group score
Powerpoint Jeopardy Ancient GreeceClassical GreeceConflict in the Greek World The Philosophers The Hellenistic Age
How was the geography of Greece different than Mesopotamia and Egypt? Category 1 – 10 points Lack of rivers and river valleys for providing good soil for farming
Provide two ways in which the Mycenaean's differed from the Minoans. Category 1 – 20 points 1.Aggressive conquerors and expansionist traders. 2.Independent city states with hilltop fortresses for defense. 3. Were located mostly on mainland Greece. 4. Fought wars with other people to get what they desired.
What was the impact of the Dorian invasion on Greece? Category 1 – 30 points The Greek Dark Ages- A period of decline politically, socially, and economically on the Greek mainland. It took hundreds of years to recover.
Why was the Trojan War fought? - Category 1 – 40 points Trade Rivalry-The city state of Troy was located in Asia Minor near the straits that connect the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. This was a prime location for the possible control of trade in these two bodies of water.
Why did the Minoan civilization fall? Category 1 – 50 points 1.Natural disasters-Volcano, Earthquake 2.Mycenaens take control of trade in the Aegean Sea 3.Mycenaens take control of Crete by force
After the Persian War, this was created. It enable Athens to create a tributary empire. Category 2 – 10 points - The Delian League
GROUP QUESTION!!!! Category 2 – 20 points
Athens expanded ________ during the time that Pericles was influential. (3 Reponses fit) Category 2 – 30 points -Direct Democracy (more people could vote, stipend for citizen voters). -Trade and Colonization in other places. -Building Projects-The Parthenon.
Athenians utilized ___________ as a way of avoiding the creation of a tyranny. Category 2 – 40 points Ostracism
Greeks valued the art of skillful speaking known as: Category 2 – 50 points Rhetoric
-The Persian War started when _____. Category 3 – 10 points The Athenians helped the Ionians defend themselves against the Persians.
Following the battle of Marathon, he promoted the creation of a new Athenian fleet of ships. Category 3 – 20 points Themistocles
GROUP QUESTION Category 3 – 30 points
What was the cause of the 2 nd Invasion of the Persian War. Category 3 – 40 points - Xerxes wanted to add Greece to his enormous empire and get revenge for his dead father..
The Battle of Marathon was a significant moment in Greek history because ________. Category 3 – 50 points It showed other Greek states that Persia could be defeated. It temporarily halted the Persian Invasion of Greece.
He favored the rule of a single virtuous leader, and tried to make the heir to the Macedonian throne an example. Category 4 – 10 points Aristotle
He is considered the grandfather of Western Philosophy. Category 4 – 20 points Socrates
He founded the Academy. Category 4 – 30 points Plato
He favored a society broken into classes. Category 4 – 40 points Plato
GROUP QUESTION!!! - Category 4 – 50 points
Mountainous homeland of Philip II and Alexander the Great Category 5 – 10 points Macedonia
-This was the legacy of Alexander The Great Category 5 – 20 points Cultural Diffusion within his empire. The blending of Greek, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian, and Indian cultures created a new blended culture across the empire and in the generations after Alexander’s death.
GROUP QUESTION!!!! Category 5 – 30 points
He was famous for seeking the causes of disease and how to cure them? Category 5 – 40 points Hippocrates
He promoted the Heliocentric view of the world. Category 5 – 50 points Aristarchus