LocalView - Navigator Geographical Information System (GIS) User Guide October 2011 version 1.1 Page 1
Contents Page No. 1. Screen Layout 3 2. Find an Address 4 3. Moving around the Maps 9 4. Displaying Layers/Datasets Printing Draw on the Map & Add Labels Help Screens Tips & Hints 30 Page 2
1. Screen Layout Tool Bar Search (Gazetteer) Zoom & Pan Tool Scale of Map Bookmarks Identify item on map Create print / image Help Legend Co-ordinates of cursor Send Map as an link Clear Annotation Annotate Map Page 3
2. Find an Address Introduction This section explains how to use the gazetteer search facility to select an address in Birmingham and display its location on a map. Page 4
2. Find an Address - Input Post Code only (in full) e.g. B15 1TH Street name only Street and first portion of Post Code e.g. Calthorpe Road B15 Property name and wild card e.g. Calthorpe House * Property name/number & street e.g. 15 Calthorpe Road Click Search button or press on the key board to initiate search Please note: input is not case sensitive Input address here (in the Tool Bar) Click this button (once text has been entered) It is not necessary to know the whole of an address to search for it. Any of the following may be used to search for a BCC address. Set drop-down to “Address” (exact wording may vary) Page 5
2. Find an Address - Results Search for an Address – results: If no matching address is found the following message is given ‘There are no matches for your query’. ‘Click’ on ‘x’ to clear window and enter another search ‘Click’ on arrowhead to minimise/maximise the Window Please note: If there is only one match a list will not be presented, instead the map will automatically zoom to the location If more than one match is found a list will be presented – in this example a list of properties for a particular Post Code: ‘Click’ on the arrowhead to open/close the list ‘Click’ on ‘x’ to clear and enter another search Use the slider bar to navigate up/down the list Select the address in the list If the property selected contains flats etc. then a second list of the flats (or similar) will be shown. Select an address from the second list as required. Results returned depend upon the input – typical results are: Page 6
2. Find an Address – Results continued.. Map pin (blue) highlights location Address placed in call-out box. Map scale shown in Tool Bar Following the selection of an address the system automatically zooms to the address: Page 7
2. Find an Address - Results continued.. ‘Click’ map pin to re-open call-out box ‘Click’ on ‘x’ to close call-out box The call-out box displaying the address over the map can be closed & reopened Page 8
3. Moving around the map Introduction Having found an initial location using the gazetteer it may be necessary to increase or decrease the area of mapping displayed, view an adjacent area or change the scale to a specific value. This section shows how to manipulate the maps Page 9
3. Moving around the map – Zoom & Pan Zoom & Pan Tool Pan North, South, East or West arrows (Pan West button highlighted by a red circle). Please note: it is possible to Pan across the map without this tool – place the cursor over the map hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse in the desired direction Button at the centre of the arrow heads redisplays the opening maps (Birmingham area) ‘+’ button halves the scale value – Zooms In ‘-’ button doubles the scale value – Zooms Out Upward pointing arrow head at the base hides the slider portion of the tool. This switches to a downward pointing arrow to reopen it. The Zoom & Pan functions enables the user to move around the maps quickly. As the scale is changed using the Zoom function various Ordnance survey map types with differing levels of detail are displayed. The most detailed maps (OS MasterMap) are displayed between 1:1 and 1:3000 Page 10
3. Moving around the map - Eastings & Northings and Changing Scale Easting & Northing values of the cursor position as it is moved over the map are displayed. The scale is automatically changed by using the Zoom function. The Pan function retains the current scale. Selecting a Scale – ‘Click’ in the scale box drop – Select scale from list – Click on the right pointing arrow to redraw map at new scale - Map re-draws retaining the same centre point Please note: Pressing the ‘Enter’ key does not force a redraw at the new scale. The map scale is displayed in the tool bar and automatically updated when the scale is changed. However a particular scale from the drop down list can be selected - instructions below. Also Ordnance Survey co-ordinates (Eastings & Northings) of the cursor’s position over the map are automatically displayed in the Tool Bar and updated as the cursor is moved over the map. Page 11
3. Moving around the map - Bookmarks ‘Click’ on arrow head to reveal a list of available Bookmarks ‘Click’ on Bookmark required The list closes and selected Bookmark shown in the box ‘Click’ on ‘right pointing’ arrow to display Bookmark area. Map automatically re-locates to the location selected Scale and actual maps displayed are dependent upon the selection. Bookmarks provide quick and easy access to locations, that typically are not in the gazetteer – Wards in this example. The Bookmarks available differ between map services and are setup by the map service custodian Page 12
3. Moving around the map - Add a Location to Favourites & a Link Copy Link (URL) Copy & Paste as required. When used it will returned to the same location & scale with the same datasets - assumes the user has access to LocalView To add a location to Favourites click the button Opens the Internet Explorer dialog box to enable the user to navigate to store the favourite. To send a map via 1 - Copy and paste the link into an . 2 – Create & Save the map as a PDF using the Print option from the Tool Bar and then attach to an Select ‘Link’ option from the Tool Bar Having found a location and displayed the necessary layers/overlays it can be saved as a Favourite. This enables a user to returned to it with only a single click. OR a link can be ed to a colleague (who has access to LocalView) so with a single click they too can view the same location and combination of layers/overlays. Actual maps are not sent using this option. [Use the print option to create an image to an actual map]. Page 13
4. Displaying Layers/Datasets & Text Details Introduction LocalView holds map (spatial) information and text details. This section explains how to display layers over the background mapping, and how to access their text details Page 14
4. Displaying Layers - Legend Layout Legend showing available dataset Arrowhead opens / closes legend ‘All Layers’ check box switches all datasets on / off (green square indicates only some datasets are ‘on’ A green tick indicates an individual dataset or all those in a group (Background Mapping in this instance) are ‘on’. To retrieve text details from the map the appropriate dataset(s) must be displayed Use the Legend to switch layers/datasets on/off Page 15
4. Displaying Layers - Legend Use Legend ‘ Click’ in the check-box to view dataset(s) (green tick indicates it is ‘visible’) Please Note: visibility of a dataset on the maps can be dependent on scale i.e. not all datasets can be viewed at all scales (zoom-in if not visible). Dataset Name The style (colours etc) of the data when displayed on the map can be seen to the left of the dataset name (see example on next slide) ‘Like’ datasets are grouped: click on “+” adjacent to group name to view all datasets in the group. To close a group select the minus sign “-” Page 16
Datasets switched on in Legend Schools shown on area of map displayed 4. Displaying Layers over the Map Example: This example shows Schools Information in a part of Birmingham Page 17
4. Displaying Text - Identify Tool To enable selection from a the map, click on the Identify Tool. (The icon switches to black background when selected) Move the cursor on to the map area & Click on information of interest shown over the map to display the text details To de-selection the Identify Tool click on the Default Tool. (The icon switches to black background when selected – a per this example) To select information from the map the Identify Tool must first be ‘activated’. This page shows how to select and then de-select the Identify Tool Page 18
4. Displaying Text – Select item of Interest ‘Click’ on the item of interest on the map Details are presented in a call-out box. (this may take a few seconds) Where several items are identified a list will be presented - each with a Link ‘Click’ on the Link to present the full details for the item of interest Please Note: The call out box cannot be re-sized The call-out box can be removed by clicking ‘x’ in the corner of the box Use ‘sliders’ to view all details With the Identify Tool ‘activated’ ‘Click’ on information over the map – in this example a green star symbol. Be accurate when pointing at the item with the cursor. Page 19
5. Printing & Saving a Map. Introduction Maps may be printed or saved as images using LocalView. This section shows how this is done, including the level of customisation that can be achieved Page 20
5. Printing – Select Format & Add Details Print Select Print icon from Tool Bar Print Options Window Select Paper Size & Layout – A3 or A4 Landscape or Portrait Add Print Details Map Title – Placed above the map area Author – Placed in the title block Notes - Placed in the title block Map Area (select from drop down menu) Maintain (current) scale v Maintain (current) area Print Quality (select from drop down menu) Draft or Best – DPI (number of dots per inch) Output Format (select from drop down menu) Select PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BNP, TIFF or SVG as required. Print Button Click this button to generate print preview The Print process is initiated via the ‘Print’ icon on the Tool Bar, following which the print or image output can be customised using the following options. Page 21
5. Printing – Example Screen Preview A4 Landscape Map Title User defined Legend Only datasets shown included on map (excludes OS mapping) North Point Automatically added Date Automatically added Scale Automatically added & calculated Author User defined Scale Bar Automatically calculated & added Notes User defined Copyright Statement Automatically added Page 22
5. Printing – Example Screen Preview A4 Portrait Map Title User defined Copyright Statement Automatically added Date Automatically added Scale Automatically added & calculated North Point Automatically added Author User defined Legend Only datasets shown are included (excludes OS mapping) Notes User defined Scale Bar Automatically calculated & added Page 23
6. Annotation - Draw on the Map & Add Labels Introduction Users may draw over the map and add labels - area/length calculations are automatically made. This section shows how to (temporarily) draw & write over the map. These annotations cannot be saved, they will be removed on exiting the system. However any annotation will be included on an image created using the Print function before exiting the system. Page 24
Create temporary spatial data – point, line or area. There are 6 options Point: 1.Single Point Line: 2. Straight line between points (click to create points & double-click on the last point to end) 3. Freehand (hold left mouse button down & draw over the map; release button to end) Area: 4 Straight line (click points & double-click to close area and end) 5. Freehand (hold mouse button down to draw over map release button to close area [straight line drawn between first & last point] & end) 6. Rectangle (hold mouse button down and drag out area; release left mouse button to end) Several points, lines or areas may be created and shown together 6. Annotation - Draw over the Map The user must first select the type of data to be created over the map from the Tool Bar. Which ever is selected they are drawn in red – the user cannot change the colour Page 25
6. Draw a Line & add a Buffer Draw a Line. Select correct ‘Line’ Tool Move cursor to first point and click mouse once Create other points as required – a straight red line is created between the points Create the last point & double-click the mouse to end. Window appears with calculations If needed remove the Line by clicking the bin icon & re-draw Create Buffer around the Line Click in the Buffer box and enter distance for buffer (20m in example) Click the Buffer button (cursor changes to a ‘ I ’ shape). A line offset 20m from the original line is created. (shown in yellow) First draw the line, then create the buffer around it. Once created points/line/areas cannot be modified – instead delete and create again. The point/line/area and the Buffer are created as separate items and can be selected individually. Page 26
6. Add Label / Measurements User defined Label Input text e.g. “User Defined Annotation” Click on ‘Add Label’ (cursor changes to a ‘ I ’ shape) Text is positioned at the centre of the temporary spatial data Remove all lines & annotation using the ‘Clear All’ option. Area / Length Annotation Click ‘Annotate’ to add; Line / perimeter & units are placed along a line. Area value & units are placed at the centre of the area. When drawing over the map has been completed (red oblong has been constructed in this example), then a text label and (or) the area/perimeter measurement(s) can be added. Labels cannot be corrected once placed, instead re-draw and re-annotated. Page 27
7. LocalView Help Screens Introduction The system is supplied with a number of help screens - ESRI(UK) The following slide is an example of the Help screens. They are accessed from the Tool Bar & can be opened whilst using LocalView. The Map and Tasks sections provide additional guidance on the more complex functionality provided by the system such as export information to a spreadsheet. Page 28
7. Help - Welcome Screen Select ‘Help’ option from Tool Bar Sections on: Welcome to Navigator Introduction Map Tasks Trouble shooting Page 29
8. Tips & Hints 1.Zoom & Pan Tool If this tool is partially hidden under the Tool Bar – this is an IE6 issue; In the LocalView window click ‘Maximize’/’Restore Down’ button twice (upper right hand corner), it should then be fully shown. 2.Legend Initially the Legend opens will a list of the Background Mapping open – click on the minus sign ‘-’ to the right of “Background Mapping” to close these. This gives easier access to the other datasets. 2.Legend If your Map Service contains Aerial photographs they will be switched on initially and will be visible between 1:3001 and 1:25,000 consequently between these scales other OS maps will not be visible. Best to switch off on first entering the system, and turn them on as and when needed. 4.Search If using the Search function to select a street e.g. Cotton Lane, the user will usually be presented with 2 x “Cotton Lane” both in Moseley & Kings Heath – but one includes the first portion of a Post Code “B13”. This version of Cotton Lane with the Post Code will have all the properties that include a Post Code, so select this first if looking for a commercial / residential address. The version without B13 will either (i) present a list of addresses on the street without Post Codes or (ii) relocate the maps to one end of the road concerned (because there are no other addresses). 5.Bookmarks If the list of Bookmarks exceeds the depth of screen to display them all – click on one, re-open the list and use the down arrow on your keyboard to get to those entries at or towards the bottom of the list. 6.Printing Call-out box are not included on images or prints. Page 30