If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it MEA Conference Top 5 High Risk Activities
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 2 Goals To reduce/eliminate all injuries Identify at risk behaviors Reduce near misses/incident Reduce recordables Reduce/eliminate sever injuries /fatalities Reduce costs
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 3 Why high risk activity injuries? (back information) Reduce the number of severe injuries Shorten the number of restricted days Reduces the number of days away from work Reduce the number of LTA’s Save employees, families, co-workers from unwanted stress Save dollars
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 4 What is a high risk activity? An activity that may have the potential to cause a more serious injury. The injury would more likely be an LTA, serious injury or fatality.
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 5 What are some of our high risk activities? Speeds greater than 50 MPH Uncontrolled Escaping Gas Falls Greater than 6 feet Work Zone Safety Hazards on Customer Property Confined Spaces Excavations Night Work Fit for Duty New Hires
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 6 Now What???? Perform Crew Observations Identify the high risk activities/behaviors Eliminate them Reduce the potential for accidents/incidents Provide observer and crews with reference sheets
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 7 Crew Observations Vehicles Fall Protection Ladders/Stepladders Mechanical Switching/Holdcarding Work Zone Safety Electrical Gas Excavation Confined/Enclosed Spaces Job Site Briefing PPE
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 8 Speeds Greater Than 50 MPH Defensive Driving Awareness Pre-trip inspection Seat Belts Fatigue Complacency Rushing
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 9 Blowing Gas Use your valves Squeeze it off Build a by-pass Shut it down
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 10 Falls Greater than 6 Feet Identify Eliminate Inspect ladders Secure Belt off
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 11 Work Zone Safety Advance warning signs Flaggers Tapers Work Zone Apparel
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 12 Hazards on Customer Properties Animals Test it (meter set) Open pits and windows Weeds PPE Rushing Fatigue Complacency Frustration
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 13 Other Gas Operations Proper Static Control Uncovering unlocated electric lines Proper welding/fusing/tapping procedures Blowing gas procedures FR clothing
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 14 Excavations Communicate “Plan your work” Job Briefing, Tail Gate or Take Five Identify the hazards Use PPE & cover-up Avoid rushing Don’t be complacent Avoid frustration
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 15 Confined/Enclosed Spaces Follow Confined Space Procedures Eliminate/LO/TO procedures/Ground it PPE & cover-up Rushing Fatigue Complacency Frustration
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 16 Job Site Briefings Completed Documented Signed Identifies high risk activities Provide reference sheets for crews and observer
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 17 PPE Hard hat Eye protection Hand protection Foot protection Hearing protection FR clothing
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 18 Additional High Risk Activities Storm Restorations Struck by/Crushed by Night Work Fit for Duty Hazards on Customer Property New Hires
If it’s not safe, don’t do it! Make it safe and then do it. 19 Any Questions???