4 th 6 weeks
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Pass back papers Set Norms Review potential /kinetic Energy Students will be able reach norms for 2 nd semester Take 3 half pieces of note cards from the front table, finish the sentence from the board, and stick it on the back wall.
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Motion Notes and problems on speed. Students will be able solve for speed. What are 5 things you think about when you hear speed?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Cricket lab Students will be able solve for speed by watching a cricket. What are the materials you need to find speed?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Cricket lab Students will be able solve for speed by watching a cricket. You are about to create a line graph. What will be on it?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Finish Cricket lab Students will be able Understand lines on a graph dealing with speed. What was your average speed of your cricket? Explain controlled variable.
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Example of Cricket lab Speed problems Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration If Bob, went 80 miles in 6 hours. How fast did Bob go?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Turn in Cricket lab Car Lab Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration If Bob, went 95 miles in 3 hours. How fast did Bob go?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Turn in Cricket lab Car Lab Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration If Bob, went 95 miles in 3 hours. How fast did Bob go?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Finish Car Lab Notes Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration If Bob, went down the hill at 35mph at the end he was going 65 mph. It took him 20 seconds. What was Bob’s acceleration??
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Ch. 4 Worksheets. Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration What is the difference between speed, velocity, and acceleration.?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Grade Ch. 4 Worksheets Motion notes over Force. Students will be able to calculate speed and acceleration What are things that slow down motion and keep things in motion?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Brain pop Motion notes over Force. Students will be able to understand what force is. What is a force? What are things force has to overcome to cause motion?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Force Notes lab Students will be able to understand how force works. Explain the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces. Forces come in different ____ and ____.
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Force Spaghetti Lab Students will be able to understand how small amounts of force works against a large amount. Start working on your design with your group. Once you have your design we will get your spaghetti.
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Grade Review Students will be able to understand how small amounts of force works against a large amount. What have you learned about newton’s laws?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Test Students will be able to understand how small amounts of force works against a large amount. Get Ready to take your test. Your Corrections are DUE TOMORROW!!!
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Review Test Students will be able to understand simple machine and work. Get out a blank piece of paper. Turn in your corrections
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Give back Test Simple Machines Students will be able to name all simple machines. What is a simple machine? Can you list all 6…
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Simple Machines Lab Students will be able to understand a mechanical advantage What is a mechanical advantage? How can simple machine help you?
Objective: What are you learning today? Warm Up Things to do: Simple Machines Lab District assessment Students will be able to understand a mechanical advantage. If you carry something up stairs, how would it compare to carrying it on the ramp? More Work? More Force?