VD=venereal disease Term being used less and less STD=sexually transmitted disease Caused by infections STI=sexually transmitted infection Broader term (more encompassing) Might not have symptoms Can be carried & able to transmit throughout life Not necessarily lead to disease
Pathogens Disease causing organisms Bacteria Virus Fungus Parasite/protozoa Communicable Disease Illness caused by pathogens that enter the body through direct or indirect contact
Microbes Live everywhere Tiny organisms Can cause disease
Virus Not living Exist in living cells Vaccines Designed to prevent Smaller Bacteria Living Antibiotics Treat infections larger
Coughing Contact w/contaminated people, especially kissing and sexual intercourse Contact w/contaminated surfaces Contact w/contaminated creatures
BACTERIAVIRUS Chlamydia Gonorrhea Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Syphilis Genital Herpes Genital Warts Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Hepatitis B HIV and AIDS
PARASITEFUNGUS Trichomoniasis Pediculosis Pubic lice Scabies Non-gonoccocal Urethritis NGU
STI’s affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and from all walks of life Anyone can get an STI! In the U.S. alone there are approximately 20 million new cases each year about half of which occur among youth ages years Contracting an STI is more likely than conceiving a pregnancy The new infections cost the Health Care System 16 Billion$ annually
25% of the sexually active population are ages HOWEVER – 50% of the 20 million new cases of STI’s annually come from ages % that ever had sex 9 th male 20%9 th female 15% 12 th male 55%12 th female 49%
You can have an STI without knowing it Asymptomatic (no symptoms at all) All STI’s can be treated, some can be cured The only way to know for sure if you have an STI is to get tested
When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they have had sex with Many teenagers, as well as adults, are indirectly exposed to more than one sexual partner each year because their partner has had sex with someone else
Safest Choice ABSTINENCE! Safer Choice If you choose to have sex, lower your risk by using latex condoms
T4Infections & diseasesHIV DestroysImmune systemInfection YearsSexual intercourseBloodstream The person engages in a behavior that puts him or her at risk HIV enters the (1) of the person, either directly through a needle stick or indirectly through (2). HIV targets the white blood cells called __(3)____ cells, which coordinate the body’s defense against infection. Once in the body, the virus can be present for (4) before it causes illness. The viruses direct the cells to make thousands of copies of (5). This process (6) the host cells. The effect is to weaken the (7) so much that other (8) easily take hold. The person with AIDS dies of the (9).
T4Infections & diseasesHIV DestroysImmune systemInfection YearsSexual intercourseBloodstream The person engages in a behavior that puts him or her at risk HIV enters the BLOODSTREAM of the person, either directly through a needle stick or indirectly through SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. HIV targets the white blood cells called T4 cells, which coordinate the body’s defense against infection. Once in the body, the virus can be present for YEARS before it causes illness. The viruses direct the cells to make thousands of copies of HIV. This process DESTROYS the host cells. The effect is to weaken the IMMUNE SYSTEM so much that other INFECTIONS & DISEASES easily take hold. The person with AIDS dies of the INFECTION.
HHuman IImmunodeficiency VVirus
A Acquired IImmuno D Deficiency S Syndrome
4 Bodily fluids Blood Semen Vaginal fluid Breast Milk 4 Risk Behaviors Blood Transfusion Mother to Child IV Drug Needles Sexual Intercourse
InfectionOccurs AIDS Symptoms ---Initial Stage Intermediate or Latent Stage Illness Stage--- Flu-like Symptoms Or No Symptoms Symptom-free < ----