Name of disorder Effective picture showing major symptoms Your name and class period Mr. Nicholl: Biology Period 1
Description Normal Karyotype. Effected Karytype. Chromosome # and/or gene identified Down Syndrome is caused by an extra 21 st chromosome and is therefore called Trisomy 21. It is usually caused by an uneven separation of chromosomes during meisois. This mutation is called “non- disjunction” Down Syndrome (male) Normal (female)
3-4 symptoms 5-6 symptoms 7-8 symptoms 9-10 symptoms Pictures Almond shape eyes Mental retardation Protruding tongue Poor muscle tone Round head Thin straight hair Defects with heart, eyes, ears and other organs
Who discovered it When was it discovered How was it discovered Pictures Discovered by: John Langdon Down 1866 England He noticed children with common features and characteristics including MR Lejeune and Jacobs discovered the trisomy on chromosome 21
Race, ethnic, or religious groups Gender Geographic location Prevalence There are no greater risks for ethnic, religious, or geographic areas for Down Syndrome. It is distributed equally among all groups. However, older mothers are at much greater risk. Occurs in 1 in 1100 births (1 in 30 births for women over 45 yrs old!!)
Life expectancy Cause of death Picture/Illustration years old Many health issues throughout life, include heart and organ problems. Older individuals suffer from Alzheimer’s-like dementia
Punnett Squares Show where the disorder is located Autosomal or sex- linked? TT T T Down Syn. parent Normal parent TT TTT Many Down Syndrome people can not reproduce (sterile). However, those that can have a 50% chance of an effected offspring. The other 50% may be normal. Down Syndrome is an autosomal disorder on chromosome 21.
Cure? List 1 or 2 treatments. List 3 or 4 treatments List 5 or more treatments Pictures There is no cure for Down Syndrome. surgery Hearing aids Special school Physical therapy eyeglasses medication
Name one group Name two groups Explain what their goal is Contact information 1. National Association for Down Syndrome (NADS) Provide support, advise, online help, fundraiser opportunities. Also, monthly meetings and social functions for families. 2. National Down Synrome Society (NDSS) Help families with education, leadership, and advocacy.
Background color Animation Web link Slide Transition Click “Format” Click “slide show” Then “custom animation” Click “slide show” Then “slide transition” Insert from web Voice Knowledge Eye catching Timing Interesting Volume, tone, speed Don’t just “read”, elaborate!! Good use of pictures. DON”T write paragraphs…this is NOT a paper!! 3-5 minutes Enjoyed by audience