Dual Credit Parent Night RIO VISTA HIGH SCHOOL
What is Dual Credit? Dual Credit IS college. Students will be exposed to college-level material and are considered college students Students will receive both high school and college credit Dual credit grades become part of the student’s high school and college permanent academic record As college students, dual credit participants are protected by FERPA law and their information cannot be disclosed to parents (unless a waiver form is signed)
What is Dual Credit? Students are allowed to take a maximum of TWO Dual Credit courses per semester College credit is earned upon completion of the class with a grade of “D” or higher. However, making a “D” will bring your GPA down and you will have to retake it because most degrees require a “C” or better.
Dual Credit Transferability State supported colleges and universities in the state of TEXAS must accept dual credit courses if the student makes a “C” (70 or above). However, sometimes the student has taken a dual credit course that is not required for her major. In this case it will count for an elective. Private colleges should be contacted by the STUDENT to inquire about dual credit transfer.
It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with the college they want to attend if credits will transfer.
Dual Credit Grading Policy Students will only receive high school credit for a grade of 70 or higher in a dual credit course. If a student receives below a 70, they will be required to retake the class in order to receive high school credit Failure to maintain a C (70 or above) will result in a schedule change into a high school course for the second semester & will not be allowed to take dual credit classes the following year A, B or better (80 or above) is required for the Distinguished Achievement Program.
Grading Policies Progress & 6 week grade reports are NOT issued during the course of the semester for Dual Credit courses (exceptions) Instructors will ONLY communicate with the student about their grade status (exceptions) Students must take the History EOC It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with grades and withdraw dates Before you withdraw from a course, you must bring a copy of your current grade to the counselor— that will be the grade transferred to the regular class
Is Dual Credit the Right Choice for Everyone? Parents and students should consider goals, maturity, responsibility, and academic ability levels prior to enrolling in a dual credit class You might decided not to participate in dual credit if you: Are struggling with other high school classes Feel overwhelmed with your current load of coursework and extracurricular activities Are not ready to take on college-level course work and the responsibilities of being a college student
Eligibility Requirements Be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior Not failed any class the previous year Must have passed all EOC tests Sophomores (English I, Algebra I, Biology) Juniors (English I, English II, Algebra & Biology) Seniors (English I, English II, Algebra, Biology & US History) Have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA Attend the dual credit parent meeting Apply & meet the college’s requirements for admission Satisfy the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements
TSI Eligibility Requirements TSI Assessment: Reading Comprehension (351score) Elementary Algebra (350 score) Written Essay (5 Essay or 4 essay & 363 multiple choice score)
Where to take the TSI Assessment Testing may be offered in April at RVHS for a reduced fee. Listen for announcements. Testing is also available at Hill College g/index.html g/index.html
How can I prepare for the Accuplacer? College Board /preparation-sample.htm /preparation-sample.htm Test Prep Review/Accuplacer e.htm e.htm
Discipline Policies Students in Dual Credit classes must follow both the College’s Standards of Student Conduct & the Rio Vista ISD Student code of Conduct RVISD infractions such as Alternative Education Placement can impact dual credit attendance Students may be administratively withdrawn for inappropriate behavior and attendance
Courses Hill College Fall U.S. History 1301 College Algebra Composition I British Lit I Government Speech Spring U.S. History 1302 College Trigonometry College Statistics Composition II British Lit II Speech
Career and Technical Dual Credit Courses Students may also take Welding, Auto Mechanics & Cosmetology. It is the student’s responsibility to provide their own transportation to Hill College to take these courses. These courses are a little more expensive than Dual Credit courses.
COST Tuition for a Dual Credit course is approximately $275 per semester for regular courses. Students are also responsible for purchasing their textbooks.
To Register The first step in registering for dual credit courses is to apply for admission online at /c_start.WBX /c_start.WBX Students who are currently enrolled in a dual credit course do NOT have to reapply.
Remember The Dual Credit grade impacts BOTH high school and college GPAs The Dual Credit course record will become a permanent part of your college record You must make a B or better for Distinguished Achievement. You must pay tuition & purchase your books. If you do not pay by the deadline you will be taken out of the class
Remember These are college classes. They require STUDYING. Students should expect to attend class, do work and study. If they do not do so, they can expect a poor or failing grade. Dual credit grades, like regular college grades remain on the college transcript forever.
Dual Credit Guidelines – Student/Parent Contract Student and Parent must sign and return the Dual Credit Contract to the high school counselor by Thursday, April 7, 2016 Signatures indicate that you are aware of what is required for you to be successful in a Dual Credit class Registration will May 18 th. Counselor must have contract and admissions forms and TSI scores by May 4 th.
Thank you for attending This presentation will be posted on the Counselor’s page of the Rio Vista High School Website