Various Disciplines in Dentistry Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh, Lecturer, College Of Dentistry, Majmaah University.
Objectives At the end of lecture students should be able to 1)Discuss various specialties in dentistry 2)Explain the course code system 3)Know the examination and assessment pattern.
The course of Dentistry in our University includes 3 broad categories - 1)Medical Subjects, 2)Islamic Subjects and 3)Dental Subjects.
1) Medical subjects Anatomy, Embryology and Histology (ANA). General Physiology (PSL). Biochemistry (BCH). General Pathology (PATH). Pharmacology (PHL). Microbiology and Immunology (MAC). Basic life Support (MED). General Internal Medicine (GIM). General Surgery (GSO). Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery (ENT).
2) Islamic Subjects (IC)
3) Dental Subjects Restorative Dental Sciences (RDS) Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences (MDS) Preventive Dental Sciences (PDS) Prosthetic Dental Sciences (SDS) Divisions of Departments in our College
Various Specialties in each Department
Restorative Dental Sciences (RDS)
Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences (MDS) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Diagnosis Oral Biology Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Preventive Dental Sciences (PDS) PDS Community Dentistry Orthodontics Pediatric Dentistry Periodontics
Prosthetic Dental Sciences (SDS)
Code System for Each Course The code system of each course consists of a combination of three NUMBERS followed by three LETTERS. The three NUMBERS of the course code indicate in sequence – The level of the program at which the course is offered ( year 1 – 5). The order of the course offered by the same department in a specific year level of the program. Whether the course is offered in the first semester (1), second semester (2) or continuous throughout the year (3).
The LETTERS in the course code refer to one of the Six Departments of the college. For example course 122 PDS refers to the course taught in first year level (1), order is second (2) by the same department, and taught in second semester (2) by Preventive Dental Sciences (PDS) Department.
Introduction to Dentistry (111 PDS) – 1 credit hour. Taught in the first semester of first year. This course is designed to provide students with a general overview of the concepts, principles and procedures of various disciplines in dentistry. Orientation to the dental curriculum, learning and teaching expectations, and assessment methods, preclinical and clinical regulations are part of this course.
At the end of semester students are expected to --- Discuss the historical evolution and development of dental profession. Define various disciplines in dentistry and describe objectives of each discipline. Be familiar with characteristics of target population served by the discipline. Discuss preventive aspects of each discipline in dentistry. Explain the role of health provider in patient management related to the discipline. Discuss major procedures in the discipline with emphasis on comprehensive treatment. Demonstrate knowledge of the program structure with teaching and evaluation system.
Assessment methods Sl. No Type% Marks AIn course Assessments 1Midterm written examination40 2In course continuous assessment aBehavior and attitude5 20 bResearch4 cHomework4 dPresentation3 eQuiz4 BFinal written examination 40 Total100
Reference/Text books 1) Primary Preventive Dentistry Author – Norman o harris, Franklin gracia godoy, christhine nathe, 7 th edition. Publisher – Prentice Hall. 2) Essentials of Preventive and Community Dentistry. Author – Soben Peter; 2 nd edition, Publisher - Arya medi publishing house.