Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion Advertisement Illustration by Kirill Chudinskiy Presentation by Olivia Huang
The Polo BlueMotion is a hybrid model car developed by Volkswagen. It has higher energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions, making it more environmentally friendly. This illustration is an advertisement for the Polo BlueMotion.
Character: The huge petroleum worker, representing the petroleum industry as a whole, has a disproportionately long torso and is depicted as a seemingly powerful figure. The artist drew him to have a muscular, tall body that towers over everything in the illustration.
Character: The fuel gauge, almost as tall as the worker, hangs on a tree branch by a belt that also defines the gauge’s skinniness. Normally supposed to be round, the skinnier gauge depicts the energy efficiency of the company’s hybrid car as it uses less fuel than normal cars do.
Character: The ant carrying the miniature gas tank emphasize the Polo cars’ gas efficiency. The ant is able to carry the gas tank because it is not much larger than itself, and the artist uses that comparison to describe how the Polo uses less fuel than a regular car does.
Character: The gasoline tanker is illustrated as rusty, old, and abandoned, and is warped, needing branches to keep it stable. This describes the replacement and outdating of gasoline because of the cars using a cleaner energy sources and being more energy efficient.
Character: The worker’s tears look unrealistic, which add to his inhuman look along with his disproportionate body and limbs. Character: The tears collect into a pool at the ground below him. Water is associated with life, and the fact that the water is coming from the worker’s distress could suggest that the failure of the gasoline industry will allow life and nature to thrive because of the cleaner, more environmentally friendly cars.
Character: Because there are flowers growing from the rigs, so it seems like they are pumping water instead of oil since water makes plants grow. There could also be a connection between the worker’s tears and the rigs, with the rigs pumping up the water from the worker. The flowers are nature and are put in the illustration because they demonstrate the balance between the environment and mankind that is created when cleaner energy sources are used.
Character: The gas pump cloud that dissipates on the right side where the fuel gauge is depicts how the relevance of gasoline being associated with cars is fading away because of cleaner and more efficient cars.
Color: The darker shades of blue and brown are found in the corners of the illustration, representing the foreboding of environmental health issues. Color: Yellow, which is connotated with positive things, is found on the ground and in the sky on the fuel gauge’s side.
Light: The light is coming from the sun, and it comes from an angle that makes the objects’ shadows point to the fuel gauge. Light: The shadows, associated with foreboding and negativity, in the illustration’s corners portray the dangers that threaten the environment’s health.
Angle: The angle of the illustration is that in which the viewer is able to see everything going on. The artist wants the viewer to be exposed to what is happening in the industry. Angle: The petroleum worker is turned away slightly, facing a corner rather than squarely facing the viewer. His face is being blocked by his hand is not visible.
Angle: The worker and fuel gauge are taller than the eyeline, illustrating their power.
Proportion: The petroleum worker is the largest subject in the illustration. His abnormally long arm depicts how the petroleum industry is powerful with the worker’s long reach, but also how it is greedy. Proportion: The tree with the gauge is almost as tall as the worker, demonstrating how with time, it may be able to grow taller than the worker.
Proportion: The ant’s littleness emphasize the low usage of gas because it is able to carry the gas tank that is not much larger than itself, and the artist uses that comparison to describe how the Polo uses less fuel than a regular car.
Placement: The gas pump cloud is placed more to the left where the darker sky and petroleum worker is and fades on the right side which is lighter and has the gas gauge, demonstrating how a gas pump will be less relevant when cleaner energy sources are used and when gas isn’t as needed like before.
Placement:The ants carrying the miniature gas tank are placed in the foreground because the Polo BlueMotion hybrid car being energy efficient is a main point in the illustration. Placement:The the furthest ones have fully grown flower bushes on top of them and the closest one has only a couple flowers growing on it and is not as tall as the others. This illustrates how cleaner energy sources are progressively helping to balance the environment and mankind.
Setting: The setting is a desert, mostly barren of life. The plants represent the positive change that result from efficient cars and fuel. Setting: The mountain range in the background frame the action happening in the foreground, focusing the attention on it. Setting: It is daytime so the sun is able to illuminate and expose everything.
Character The petroleum worker represents the petroleum industry as a whole, and is depicted as a seemingly powerful figure. The artist drew him to have a muscular, tall body that towers over everything in the illustration. His overalls cover his long torso and has pockets all over it, demonstrating how he was once rich as he would need many pockets to hold his money. However, his pockets are turned inside out, which is a gesture displaying how his money is now gone. This is a result of the energy efficient cars as less gasoline used means less gasoline needed, which leads to less money for him. The closed sign hanging on the worker’s arm s displays how his job is shut down. The artist illustrated this as a possible future of the petroleum industry closing because of the replacement of regular cars with energy efficient hybrids. The worker’s tears look unrealistic, which add to his inhuman look along with his disproportionate body and limbs. The tears collect into a pool at the ground below him. Water is associated with life, and the fact that the water is coming from the worker’s distress could suggest that the failure of the gasoline industry will allow life and nature to thrive because of the switch to cleaner, more environmentally friendly cars and energy sources. There are flowers growing on top of the tree holding the fuel gauge and the “oil” rigs. Because there are flowers growing from the rigs, it seems like they are pumping water, a type of renewable energy, instead of oil since water makes plants grow. The flowers are nature and are put in the illustration because they demonstrate the balance between the environment and mankind that is created when cleaner energy sources are used. The fuel gauge, almost as tall as the worker, hangs on a tree branch by a belt that also defines the gauge’s skinniness. Normally supposed to be round, the skinnier gauge depicts the energy efficiency of the company’s hybrid car as it uses less fuel than normal cars do. The tree represents the more environmentally friendly energy sources. The ant carrying the miniature gas tank emphasize the Polo cars’ gas efficiency. The ant is able to carry the gas tank because it is not much larger than itself, and the artist uses that comparison to describe how the Polo uses less fuel than a regular car does. The gasoline tanker is illustrated as rusty, old, and abandoned, and is warped, needing branches to keep it stable. This describes the replacement and outdating of gasoline because of the cars using a cleaner energy sources and being more energy efficient. The gas pump cloud that dissipates on the right side where the fuel gauge is depicts how the relevance of gasoline being associated with cars is fading away because of cleaner and more efficient cars. skinny fuel more efficent less fuel ants emphasize smallness smaller fuel consumption in foreground gas station pump thing fading on right side sinking into their tears because bad people the fuel is growing outta nature and blooming an stuff emphasizing env. thing closed because theyre being replaced by hybrid stuff their loss (tears) our gain water positive and letting the life and flowers bloom flowers blooming progressing shows how hybrid cars making progress towards env. heath
Color The darker shades of blue and brown are found in the corners of the illustration, representing the foreboding of environmental health issues. There is a teal, murky blue on the corner of the sky on the petroleum worker’s side, making a point of how gasoline production and usage has a negative impact on the environment. Yellow, which is connotated with positive things, is found on the ground and in the sky on the fuel gauge’s side. Using this color, the artist wants the viewer to see fuel efficient hybrids as something positive.
Light The light is coming from the sun, and it comes from an angle that makes the objects’ shadows point to the fuel gauge. The artist does this to present energy efficiency and as a better option. The shadows, associated with foreboding and negativity, in the illustration’s corners portray the dangers that threaten the environment’s health.The shadows also play a part in antagonizing the petroleum worker, who represents the petroleum industry. Contrasting, the light portray the fuel gauge and energy efficient cars as a positive subject. Because the shadows point to the fuel gauge, the light seems to be coming from the left side. brightest part in the middle lighting makes shadow point to the fuel gauge illuminate gauge dark edges represent env. dangers light from viewer and fuel guage?
Angle The angle of the illustration is that in which the viewer is able to see everything going on. The artist wants the viewer to be exposed to what is happening in the industry. The worker and fuel gauge are taller than the eyeline, illustrating their power. The petroleum worker is turned away slightly, facing a corner rather than squarely facing the viewer. His face is being blocked by his hand and is not visible. This depicts his and his industry’s failure, and he covers his face out of shame.
Proportion The petroleum worker is the largest subject in the illustration. His abnormally long arm depicts how the petroleum industry is powerful with the worker’s long reach, but also how it is greedy. The worker’s arms and hands also seem grotesque and disfigured, adding on to his already inhuman figure. The artist portrays him like this to dehumanize him and present the industry as corrupt. The tree with the gauge is almost as tall as the worker, demonstrating how with time, it may be able to grow taller than the worker. And because the gauge represents the hybrid car’s cleaner emissions and the worker represents the petroleum industry, it illustrates the possibility of the overtaking of the petroleum industry by cleaner energy sources. The ant’s littleness emphasize the low usage of gas because it is able to carry the gas tank that is not much larger than itself, and the artist uses that comparison to describe how the Polo uses less fuel than a regular car.
Placement The ants carrying the miniature gas tank are placed in the foreground because the Polo BlueMotion hybrid car being energy efficient is a main point in the illustration. The gas pump cloud is placed more to the left where the darker sky and petroleum worker is and fades on the right side which is lighter and has the gas gauge, demonstrating how a gas pump will be less relevant when cleaner energy sources are used and when gas isn’t as needed like before. In the background are what seem to be oil rigs, only there are flowers growing from them, so it seems like they are pumping water, which is a renewable energy source instead of oil. The the furthest ones have fully grown flower bushes on top of them and the closest one has only a couple flowers growing on it and is not as tall as the others. This illustrates how cleaner energy sources are progressively helping to balance the environment and mankind.
Setting The setting is a desert, mostly barren of life. The plants represent the positive change that result from efficient cars and fuel. There seems to be little life but there are flowers that are blooming because of the gradual restoration of nature that result from hybrid cars. The mountain range in the background frame the action happening in the foreground, focusing the attention on it. It is daytime so the sun is able to illuminate and expose everything. mountains frame the change
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