GROW Project Carley Holcomb
Question: What minerals are most important for blood pressure, energy, and bone health? What fruits can you get these minerals from? What do each of them do?
Blood Pressure: Potassium & Sodium Energy: Magnesium Bone Health: Phosphorus & Calcium
Research: Apples Bananas Grapes Pomegranates Blueberries Cranberries Cherries Watermelon Grapefruit Lemon Orange Peach Pear Raspberry
Apples Apples are not leading in any of the minerals that I researched. Potassium: 195 mg* Magnesium: 9 mg Phosphorus: 20 mg Sodium: 2 mg Calcium: 11 mg One medium apple contains 0.47 grams of protein, 95 calories, and 4.4 grams of dietary fiber.
Banana Of the fruits that I researched, this one is not leading in anything. Potassium: 422 mg* Magnesium: 32 mg Phosphorus: 26 mg Sodium: 1 mg Calcium: 6 mg One medium banana contains 1.29 grams of protein, 105 calories and 3.1 grams of dietary fiber.
Grapes Grapes are not leading in any of the minerals that I researched. Potassium: 288 mg* Magnesium: 11 mg Phosphorus: 30 mg Sodium: 3 mg Calcium: 15 mg One cup of grapes has 1.09 gram of protein, 104 calories and 1.4 grams of dietary fiber.
Pomegranate Pomegranates have the leading health benefits out of all of the fruits that I researched in potassium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus. Considering this, they are not a very common fruit. Potassium: 666 mg* Magnesium: 34 mg Phosphorus: 102 mg Sodium: 8 mg Calcium: 28 mg One pomegranate contains 4.71 grams of protein, 234 calories and 11.3 grams dietary fiber.
Blueberry Blueberries do not have the most minerals against any of the other fruits. Potassium: 144 mg Magnesium: 9 mg Phosphorus: 18 mg Sodium: 1 mg Calcium: 9 mg One cup of blueberries contains 1.1 grams of protein, 84 calories and 3.6 grams of dietary fiber.
Cranberry Cranberries are not leading in having the most of any of the minerals that I looked up out of the fruits that I have chosen to research. Potassium: 85 mg Magnesium: 6 mg Phosphorus: 13 mg Sodium: 2 mg Calcium: 8 mg One cup of cranberries contains 0.39 grams of protein, 46 calories and 4.6 grams of dietary fiber.
Cherry Cherries also do not have any leading minerals. Potassium: 306 mg* Magnesium: 15 mg Phosphorus: 29 mg Sodium: 2 mg Calcium: 18 mg One cup of cherries, with pits, contains 1.46 grams of protein, 87 calories and 2.9 grams of dietary fiber.
Watermelon Watermelons do not have any leading minerals above the other fruits that I have done research on. Potassium: 320 mg* Magnesium: 29 mg Phosphorus: 31 mg Sodium: 3 mg Calcium: 20 mg One medium slice of watermelon contains 1.74 grams of protein, 86 calories and 1.1 grams of dietary fiber.
Grapefruit Grapefruits are not leading in any of the minerals that affect the bones, blood pressure, and energy Potassium: 320 mg* Magnesium: 18 mg Phosphorus: 18 mg Calcium: 28 mg +A small amount of sodium One cup of grapefruit contains 1.45 grams of protein, 74 calories and 2.5 grams of dietary fiber.
Lemon Lemon is not leading in any of the factors that I have chosen to research. Potassium: 116 mg Magnesium: 7 mg Phosphorus: 13 mg Sodium: 2 mg Calcium: 22 mg One lemon contains 0.92 grams protein, 24 calories and 2.4 grams of dietary fiber.
Orange Orange is leading in calcium versus all of the other fruits that I chose to research. Potassium: 237 mg Magnesium: 13 mg Phosphorus: 18 mg Calcium: 52 mg +A small amount of sodium One medium orange 1.23 grams of protein, 62 calories and 3.1 grams of dietary fiber.
Peach Peaches are not leading in any of the factors that I have been researching, against the other fruits. Potassium: 285 mg* Magnesium: 14 mg Phosphorus: 30 mg Calcium: 9 mg +A small amount of sodium One medium peach (with skin) contains 1.36 grams of protein, 58 calories and 2.2 grams dietary fiber.
Pear Pears do not lead in any of the vitamins or minerals that I have researched. Potassium: 212 mg Magnesium: 12 mg Phosphorus: 20 mg Calcium: 16 mg +A small amount of sodium One medium pear contains 0.68 grams of protein, 103 calories and 5.5 grams dietary fiber.
Raspberry Raspberries are do not have the top of any of the minerals. Potassium: 186 mg Magnesium: 27 mg Phosphorus: 36 mg Calcium: 31 mg +A small amount of sodium One cup of raspberries contains 1.48 grams of protein, 64 calories and 8 grams dietary fiber.
Conclusion: In conclusion, I suggest, that the best fruits to eat on a daily basis are pomegranates, and oranges, if you want to find a high source of these healthy minerals. Pomegranates have some of the leading minerals in blood pressure, bone health, and energy. Oranges have the leading amount of calcium per serving, so they are very good for your bone health too. Potassium is important for maintaining high energy because or the electrolytes, it is important for your muscles too, along with calcium. Sodium is also good for having high energy, and retaining body fluids. Magnesium is also very important for your metabolism.
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