This task uses: ScienceFlix & Superteacherworsheets Learning Objective(s): (PS - M -A5). Describe the properties and behavior of water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous phases (states) Read and research to identify properties and behaviors of substances in solid, liquid, and gaseous states 1.Use CPSB, Digital resource link to find ScienceFlix. 2. Click on School Access and find the Physical Science Column. Find the title “States of Matter.” 3. Click on the Watch It Tab and watch the video on States of Matter. Take notes on paper to help you identify the properties of each state of matter. 4.Then click on the Read it Tab to read the article. 5.You may explore the other Tabs on States of Matter to learn more. 6. Lastly, using your print out on “What’s the Matter?” from Superteacherworksheets, answer the worksheet found at and turn it into your teacher.
Read and research to identify properties and behaviors of substances in solid, liquid, and gaseous states 1.Go to the website and click on link for “Matter.” Read through the pages on the section of Matter and take notes if needed. 2. After reading go to the site: 3. Click on the Activity that looks likes this: 3. Click on the Activity to identify which items fall under each state of Matter. The activity will correct you when your wrong. 4. Click on the Activity that looks like this: 5. Follow the directions to identify the properties that belong to solids, liquids, and gases. This task uses: Radar’s Chem4Kids & Interactive Sites for Education Learning Objective(s): (PS - M -A5). Describe the properties and behavior of water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous phases (states)
Create a Prezi or Powerpoint on Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases 1.Create a Powerpoint or Prezi Presentation on the 3 States of Matter. 2.It must have 5 slides : Introduction of States of Matter, Solid, Liquid, Gas, and one on how they change from State of Matter to another. You can have no less than 5 but no more than Make sure to answer these questions: - Did you give the correct definition of a solid, liquid, and a gas? - Did you include correct pictures that model a solid, liquid, and a gas? - Were you able to explain how one state of matter transfers to another? This task uses: Learning Objective(s): (PS - M -A5). Describe the properties and behavior of water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous phases (states)
Create an I 1. Open the “iMovie” app on the iPad. 2. Create an “iMovie”on Solids, Liquids, and Gases. 3. Capture 5 pictures from a textbook or book to include in your movie. Movie must include an introduction, information on Solids, information on liquids, information on gases, and an explanation of how matter changes states. 4. Record your voice over the pictures explaining each of the things listed in #3. 5. Log in to CPSB Blackboard, from the CPSB homepage. 6. Post your iMovie to the Class Blackboard site in the right section. 7. Next, View the other classes’ “iMovie’s” and comment on two other students presentations. Use these questions to write your response: - Did they give the correct definition of a solid, liquid, and a gas? - Did they include correct pictures that model a solid, liquid, and a gas? - Were they able to explain how one state of matter transfers to another? This task uses: Place technology (app/software/web tool) and icon(s) here Learning Objective(s): (PS - M -A5). Describe the properties and behavior of water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous phases (states)