Q UALITY CIRCLES Pioneered by Japanese. Quality Control Circles (QCC), generally now known as Quality Circles (QC) or some call it as Small Group Activity (SGA). BHEL, Hyderabad first in India to start Quality Circles Quality Circles are small groups of employees who voluntarily meet together on a regular basis to identify, define, analyze and solve work related problems. Usually the members of a particular team (quality circle) should be from the same work area or who do similar work so that the problems they select will be familiar to all of them. An ideal size of quality circle is seven to eight members. But the number of members in a quality circle can vary. Eg: Godrej, HUL, Samsung India, General Motors, etc.
OBJECTIVES OF QC Promote job involvement Create problem solving capability Improve communication and Inspire team work Promote leadership qualities and personal development Develop greater awareness for safety Improve morale Reduce errors and enhance quality Build an attitude of problem prevention Promote cost reduction Develop harmonious manager, supervisor and worker relationship Improve productivity Reduce downtime of machines and equipment Increase employee motivation
Q UALITY C IRCLE M EETINGS Meetings are attended by all the members of the quality circle. Meetings take place once a week or once in a fortnight. Each meeting lasts for approximately one hour, though variations are possible. Apart from the frequency of the meetings, what is important is the regularity of the meetings. Several activities may occur during a meeting such as: Getting training as required to enable members to analyze problems. Analyzing problem(s). Preparing recommendations for implementing solution(s). Follow up of implementation of suggestions. Prepare for a presentation to the management Identifying a theme or a problem to work on.
S TRUCTURE OF Q UALITY C IRCLES P ROGRAM Six Basic Elements: Circle leaders/deputy leaders. Program facilitator. Steering/advisory committee. Top management. Potential members and non-participating management/members. Circle participants or members
R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES OF V ARIOUS E LEMENTS Roles of Members Theme/problem should be related to work. Demonstrate mutual respect. Take training in all the aspects of quality circles. Acquire the necessary skills in various quality circle tools and techniques. Participate wholeheartedly in problem-solving process by giving ideas and views voluntarily and suggesting the solutions. Attend all the meetings of quality circle. When unavoidable to attend the meeting, seek prior permission of the quality circle leader. Participate in implementing the finalized solutions. Focus on organizational objectives through the theme(s) selected for one's quality circle
Roles of Leaders Decide date and time of each quality circle meeting and inform all the members. Ensure maximum attendance of all the members in the meetings and conduct the meetings effectively. Motivate the members for their full participation in the proceedings of quality circle meetings and related activities. Maintain the records of quality circles meetings and other related activities. Interact with other quality circle leaders and facilitator Make presentations of solutions to the management. Seek management approvals of the solutions. Ensure implementation of the approved solutions with the active involvement of the members. Arrange first time training and later on, the refresher training of the members and self in the quality circles group
Roles of Facilitators Act as an effective link between quality circles and management. Coordinate the work of several quality circles through their respective leaders. Arrange for obtaining necessary expertise from other agencies and quality circles. Keep the motivation and morale level of all the leaders and members at the highest level. Review the progress of each circle periodically and lead them appropriately. Continually update the knowledge and skills pertaining to the working of quality circles by studying the relevant literature and attending the training programs. Transfer the knowledge and skills to the leaders and members. Arrange additional training for leaders and members as required. Arrange for necessary monetary budgets and maintain records. Facilitate and guide the quality circle leaders and members to make the management presentations.
Roles of Steering Committee (Management) Formally announce the launching of quality circle initiative in the organization. Provide full support and encouragement to quality circle movement in the organization. Provide leadership and guidance to develop the quality circle models, structure and policies. Design the opportunities for presentations by the quality circles. Facilitate the approval and implementation of the solutions presented by quality circles. Sanction the necessary monetary budgets for smooth working of quality circles. Provide the logistic support as needed (presentation venues, meeting rooms, time, finance, training facilities etc). Plan out and execute various training programs for the existing and prospective quality circle facilitators, leaders and members. Give due recognition to quality circles, their members and their work by way of prizes, felicitations and other means.
Develop guidelines for measuring the effectiveness of quality circles and also the quality circle initiative as a whole. Review the performance and progress of quality circles periodically. Non members Employees in a particular work area may not volunteer in joining the QC activity. Some others may not be interested in activity but prefer not to get directly into it. QC members must understand that solutions they find cannot be implemented without the cooperation of these non- members. Members must encourage non-members to participate in activities so that they change their attitudes and form circle on their own.
H OW D O Q UALITY C IRCLES O PERATE ? Appointment of a steering committee, facilitator and QC team leaders. Formation of QCs by nomination/voluntary enrolment of QC members. Training of all QC members (by an expert consultant). Training of non-participating employees (by an expert consultant). Problem data bank and identification of problems for QC work. QC problem resolution by QCs through standardized techniques. Presentation of QC solutions to management. Evaluation of award/recognition.
B ENEFITS OF QC Self development. Promotes leadership qualities among participants. Recognition. Achievement satisfaction. Promotes group/team working. Serves as cementing force between management/non- management groups. Promotes continuous improvement in products and services. Brings about a change in environment of more productivity, better quality, reduced costs, safety and corresponding rewards.
E LEMENTS OF Q UALITY M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM QMS is integrated with thirteen elements that reflect an organisation and its cultural attribute 1. Quality of Work life : To attract those people, we offer a quality work environment. After hiring, we offer the opportunity to excel within the profession, no limit to advancement, and a wealth of experience to draw from. 2. Creating the New Analog: Achieving quality and customer satisfaction requires that a company have a strong future orientation and the willingness to make long term commitments to customers, employees, stockholders, and the community. 3. Quality Tools: The global business environment in which we operate today makes focusing on customer needs, quality, and continuous improvement number one priorities. To respond to this challenge, we have adopted TQM and made it an integral part of our culture and approach to management.
4. Design for Manufacturability: The fundamental purpose of our Design for Manufacturability Program is to improve the time and cost to market on new products and new processes. The DFM enhance communications with the product line customers during the new product development process. 5. Statistical Process Control: We are committed to using Statistical Process Control (SPC) as a key tool to achieving world class manufacturing levels 6. Quality System: The Quality System in operation at all manufacturing locations addresses all elements of an ISO 9001, QML Certified Facility, in addition to customer requirements. 7. Customer Satisfaction: Through constant communication, we are committed to maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction. We will continue to place maximum effort to solve problems relative to customer satisfaction.
8. Management Review: The purpose of this quality tool is to centralize management reviews in a manner that facilitates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process and to provide an auditable trail. 9. Subcontractor Management: By working together as a team with the subcontractors, and developing partnerships and open lines of communication, Subcontractor Management has been developed into a low maintenance, complete, and auditable monitoring system. 10. Training : Analog Devices is committed to continuous skill development of its employees. Education and training systems are designed to ensure employees have the requisite capabilities to meet customer and business requirements.
11. Technology Development: We are committed to maintaining a leadership position in the research and development of innovative quality products that have a real value to our customers. We will develop and deliver products to our customers on a predictable schedule at minimum cost. 12. Financial System: Our purpose is to maintain a financial system that provides management with the appropriate information to develop plans and make sound business decisions. 13. Quality Strategies: Our mission is to foster and encourage an environment that is focused on continuous improvement and strives for excellence in Quality, Reliability, and Systems.