“You know, the President of the United States is not a magician who can wave a wand or sign a paper that will instantly end a war, cure a recession, or make bureaucracy disappear.” - Gerald Ford, 38 th President - Gerald Ford, 38 th President
Comes from Article II of the Constitution. Comes from Article II of the Constitution. “Executive power shall be invested in the President…” “Executive power shall be invested in the President…”
Veto bills from congress Veto bills from congress Call Congress into special session Call Congress into special session Serve as Commander in Chief Serve as Commander in Chief Receive leaders of other countries Receive leaders of other countries Make treaties with other countries (with Senate approval) Make treaties with other countries (with Senate approval)
Appoint heads of executive agencies, federal court judges, ambassadors, and other top govt officials Appoint heads of executive agencies, federal court judges, ambassadors, and other top govt officials Pardon or reduce the penalties against people convicted of federal crimes. Pardon or reduce the penalties against people convicted of federal crimes. State of the Union State of the Union The duties of the President have not changed much since George Washington. The duties of the President have not changed much since George Washington.
Chief Executive Chief Executive Executive orders- a rule or command that has the force of law. Executive orders- a rule or command that has the force of law. Used to influence how laws are carried out Used to influence how laws are carried out Pres. Harry Truman used an executive order to racially integrate the armed forces Pres. Harry Truman used an executive order to racially integrate the armed forces. Power of Appointment Power of Appointment Appoint judges to the Supreme Court and other federal courts Appoint judges to the Supreme Court and other federal courts
Constitution gives the President the power to: Constitution gives the President the power to: Grant pardons Grant pardons Declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment Declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment Issue a reprieve Issue a reprieve An order to delay a persons punishment until a higher court can hear the case An order to delay a persons punishment until a higher court can hear the case Grant amnesty Grant amnesty A pardon toward a group of people A pardon toward a group of people
Directs foreign policy of the United States. Directs foreign policy of the United States. Makes key decisions about how the U.S. acts towards other countries. Makes key decisions about how the U.S. acts towards other countries.
The Constitution gives the President the power to command the armed forces of the U.S. The Constitution gives the President the power to command the armed forces of the U.S. This gives the President the ability to back up foreign policy with military force. This gives the President the ability to back up foreign policy with military force. Shares the power to make war with congress Shares the power to make war with congress Congress can declare war, but the President can order American soldiers into battle. Congress can declare war, but the President can order American soldiers into battle.
1973- congress passed War Powers Resolution which requires the president to notify congress within 48 hours when troops are sent into battle congress passed War Powers Resolution which requires the president to notify congress within 48 hours when troops are sent into battle. These troops must be brought home within 60 days unless Congress permits them to stay longer, or declares war. These troops must be brought home within 60 days unless Congress permits them to stay longer, or declares war.
The President is expected to propose legislation it would like to be passed. The President is expected to propose legislation it would like to be passed. He or she makes speeches and meets with key senators and representatives in order to pass these laws. He or she makes speeches and meets with key senators and representatives in order to pass these laws. The President sometimes disagrees with Congress over legislation. The President sometimes disagrees with Congress over legislation. Representation Representation Term length Term length
The President is the living symbol of America. The President is the living symbol of America. Greets visitors to the U.S. Greets visitors to the U.S. Ceremonial Functions Ceremonial Functions Lighting the the national Christmas tree Lighting the the national Christmas tree Giving medals to the nation’s heroes Giving medals to the nation’s heroes
The President deals with unemployment, rising prices, and high taxes. The President deals with unemployment, rising prices, and high taxes. Plan the Federal govt budget Plan the Federal govt budget
The President is generally regarded as the leader of his or her political party The President is generally regarded as the leader of his or her political party The members of their party support the President, and they support their party members in return. The members of their party support the President, and they support their party members in return. Fundraising Fundraising