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What’s on your mind today? CICO: Student buy-in limited – Solution: Progress monitor on iPads (QR Code) – Hybrid of CICO/Check n Connect? SAIG: Mindfulness techniques Daily 30 minute enrichment period: FlexiSched What’s to come with Tier 2 Staff turnover (Universal & Tier 2 impacted) – WILL check in with staff, but won’t do sheets (so how do we progress monitor?) Quick turnaround to serve within Tier 2 (SAIG) Strength: Restorative Practices/circles Using DEWS Relationships! Home visits: Success Highways, 9 th graders surveyed – Bridge between school and home
Discussion Who is running SAIG? Are they brief or 6-8 weeks? – Student services (4-6 weeks), 1 Quarter – Choose 1-2 to focus on (topic selected vs. student need) Staff/Admin turnover for Tier 2 (and Tier 1?) – In-house training for team/staff – March Madness to keep everyone positive – Maintaining a strong understanding that it’s a way of doing business – Boosters at pre-conference or in your region, Overviews in-house – Are teacher leaders mentoring new teachers? – Have understudies for internal coaches
Discussion Progress monitoring Tier 2 – Reduction in office discipline referrals (majors) – Minors are challenging to collect – Attendance – Counseling/office/health room visits Big gap between Universal and Higher Tier 2/Tier 3 supports Gated screeners – List of students and provided relationship support – Teacher Perception Data – Identified externalizers/internalizers and sifted through who was getting significant support
Early Warning SystemScreening Process Universal Inoculant Interventions SAIG FBA/BIP Mentoring Gated Process CICO? Ac. Sem.? DATADATA DATADATA Basic Mentoring?
Resource allocation Data is the guide Systemic implementation Strong core/Tier 1 Making the system fit the context Feasibility and capacity Positive feedback Explicit teaching Connections with staff Engagement with curriculum Catching kids sooner Skills Honoring function Continuously available