“Building an active & healthy future through PE & Sport”
OUR Shared Vision The Vision for OUR School Sport Partnership: “Our vision is for all school age (4-19) children and young people in Gateshead to experience and enjoy High Quality Physical Education, physical activity and school sport (PEPASS) building the foundations for an active and healthy lifestyle.”
“Building an active & healthy future through PE & Sport” Building a Shared Vision Outcomes For Our Young People: Confidence Self-esteem Skills 4 Life Employability Active & Healthy Realising their potential Emotional Physical Mental Dedication Social Skills Behaviour Independence
“Building an active & healthy future through PE & Sport” Key Actions If in a position to do so, apply for the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark by the deadline; Midnight Wednesday 1 st October 2014 If not applying as part of this ‘window’ then identify the areas in need of improvement and take action ready for 2014/15 Watch out for this year’s Blazing The Trail programme; Wednesday 15 th October 2014 Remember to work towards the newly introduced ‘Pathway Projects’ Innovation Awards Launch; Monday 5 th January 2015 Gateshead School Sport Awards; Wednesday 8 th July 2015 Contact us if we can provide any support – contact details on the competition calendar
“Building an active & healthy future through PE & Sport” Key Actions EVALUATION FORMS Chnage4Life Training Form
“Building an active & healthy future through PE & Sport”