Modelling of Marine Systems. Shallow waters Equations
Conservation Principle “The rate of accumulation inside a Control volume balances the fluxes across its boundaries plus the Sources minus the Sinks”! Or, in tensorial notation:
Mass conservation Principle Mass is conserved. This implies that the rate of accumulation inside a volume balances the input and output budgets:
Em incompressível
Boussinesq Approximation Density can be considered as being constant unless if multiplied by the gravity acceleration (much bigger than flow acceleration).
Momentum conservation One must evaluate the forces per unit of volume. =>
Pressure force resultant
Force resultant (including friction and weight)
Summing up This is the Momentum transport equation into its differential form. It states that the fluid acceleration is the result of the 3 forces (pressure, friction and gravity).
The Navier-Stokes Equations
In case of Geophysics Boussinesq approximation Vertical velocity is small Vertical acceleration negligible and consequently Pressure is Hydrostatic
Equations to solve
Pressure Force Pressure force has baroclinic and barotropic components.
Reference Free Surface H= +h z xi Hydrographic Reference h c
Generic Property Free Surface
Mass Conservation If the fluid is incompressible density is constant and the continuity equation becomes: In cartesian coordinnates :
2D depth Integrated Model Free Surface
2D Case (Small vertical gradients)
2D Model
Computational Grid Free Surface