Titanic [tai'tænik] n. 泰坦尼克(船名)
Celine Dion 塞琳. 迪翁
Celine Dion idol ['aidl] 偶 像
world-famous ['w ə :ld 'feim ə s] 世界闻名的
successful [s ə k'sesful] adj. 成功的
fan [fæn] 迷,疯狂拥护者 Fans 粉丝 ~
Super-fans 超级拥护者
Super-star 超级明星
Super-man 超人
New words idol [‘aidl] 偶像 Celine Dion 席琳. 迪翁 Titanic [tai‘tænik] 泰坦尼克(船名) fan [fæn] 迷,疯狂拥护者 super-fan 超级拥护者 super-star 超级明星 wonderful 精彩的,极好的
world-famous ['wə:ld 'feiməs] 世界闻名 have no idea 不知道 不清楚 guess [ges] v. 猜测, 推测 favourite ['feiv ə rit] adj. 特别喜爱的 successful [s ə k‘sesful] adj. 成功的 make it 达到预定目标 fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj. 极好的, 难 以相信的
Questions How can Celine Dion become world- famous? She sang a song called“my heart will go on”and became world-famous. Who is Babara’s favourite idol? Celine Dion listening
conversation A: Alice Alice and Babara are talking about their favourite singers. B: Babara
A: Who’s your favourite singer, Babara? B: Celine Dion. She is my idol, you know. She is very successful. A: Can you tell me how she made it? B: Well,she sang a song called”my heart will go on ” for the film Titanic and became world-famous. A: Yeah, you are right. I like that song too. B: Really? I think Celine has a wonderful voice. A: She does. And by the way, do you know who my idol is? B: Well, I have on idea. A: Guess who? Celine Dion! I’m her super-fan too. B: You are? Fantastic!
Exercise Listening Translation: By the way , do you know who my idol is ? 你能说出她是如何取得成功的吗? 我认为塞琳的歌喉非常美妙。 Who’s your favourite singer ? Can you tell how she made it ? 顺便说一下,你知道我的偶像是谁吗? 你最喜欢的歌手是谁? I think Celine has a wonderful voice 。 A B A C A
Free talk Who’s your idol? What does she/he do? ( Actor,actress,singer,dancer,fi lm star,writer… ) How old is she/he? Why do you like her/him?
e.g:Jacky is my idol. He is a singer. He comes from HK. He has a wonderful voice and sang a lot of good songs. He is not only a famous singer but also a good father, he has a happy family and two smart daughters. He is very kind and did a lot of good things.
Summary Talking about famous people: Who (谁) : Job (工作) (Actor,actress,singer dancer , film star , teacher…) Nationality ( 国籍 ) ( China,Canada,America… ) Reason (为什么成为你的偶像) : (very successful; a kind person; beautiful…)
New words: idol [‘aidl] 偶像 Celine Dion 塞琳. 迪翁 Titanic [tai‘tænik] 泰坦尼克(船名) fan [fæn] 迷,疯狂拥护者 super-fan 超级拥护者 wonderful 精彩的,极好的 world-famous ['wə:ld 'feiməs] 世界闻名 have no idea 不知道 不清楚 guess [ges] v. 猜测, 推测 favourite ['feiv ə rit] adj. 特别喜爱的 successful [s ə k‘sesful] adj. 成功的 fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj. 极好的, 难以相 信的
Homework Memorize the new words and expressions. write a composition( 作文 ) about words about your idol.