NCAA Division III Bylaw 17 – Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities Team Presenters Jeff Myers Jean Orr
Special Thanks To: Greg Capell Tracey Hathaway Kiki Jacobs
Agenda Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities. Teambuilding. Leadership Programs. New Legislation – Reservation of Facility. New Legislation - Fundraising. NCAA Division III Proposal No. NC–2016–8. Proposal No
Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities Team Presenters Jeff Myers Jean Orr
Philosophy Statement Colleges and universities in Division III seek to establish and maintain an environment in which a student- athlete’s athletics activities are conducted as an integral part of the student-athlete’s educational experience, and in which coaches play a significant role as educators. NCAA Division III Philosophy Statement
General Principle The time required of student-athletes for participation in intercollegiate athletics shall be regulated to minimize interference with their opportunities for acquiring a quality education in a manner consistent with that afforded the general student body. NCAA Division III Constitution 2.14
How Regulated? An institution is only permitted to conduct athletically related activities during the playing season. NCAA Division III Bylaw Practice is any meeting, activity or instruction involving sports- related information and having an athletics purpose, held for one or more student-athletes at the direction of, or supervised by any member of the institution’s coaching staff. Bylaw (a)
Leadership Programming Student-athletes may participate in leadership and other programming involving sports-related information outside the playing and practice season provided: 1.Similar programming is available to students generally; 2.Not limited to members of a specific team; and 3.Participation is voluntary. NCAA Division III Official Interpretation Bylaw
RSRO Case No. 1 “I want to make sure it's permissible to do a team bonding activity prior to the start of our season. We would like to go white water rafting and use our fundraising money for it. $71.00/head.”
RSRO Case No. 2 “Our track and field coach would like to hold seminars on nutrition, sleep habits, sports psychology etc. to educate his team prior to the start of the season. Once in season, there is no free time to participate in these activities.”
RSRO Case No. 3 “Some of the fall coaches have expressed interest in the NCAA DiSC Behavioral Assessments. Since the results come in the mail I am assuming weeks after the test is taken, when are the fall sports allowed to administer this type of test? For example, is a fall sport allowed to have their incoming students as well as returners take an online version of this assessment over the summer so that the results are available for the start of the season?”
Airing of Grievances
New Legislation – Facility Reservation Access student-athlete only facilities outside the season; May reserve any institutional facility for voluntary out-of- season workouts. Proposal No Bylaw (h) and (i)
New Legislation - Fundraising
Proposal No. NC Voluntary fundraising and community service activities not involving the use of athletics ability by SAs to obtain funds provided the activities receive approval from the institution’s chancellor or president (or his or her designee) before the activity (see Bylaw for restrictions on promotional activities). Bylaw – (d)
New Legislation - Fundraising Proposal No. NC-2016–8 – (Intent). To specify that the fundraising and community service exception to the prohibition on athletically related activities occurring outside of the declared playing and practice season must be voluntary for the exception to apply. Bylaw – (d)
New Legislation - Fundraising Proposal No. NC-2016–8 – (History). Previous legislation allowed an institution to require a SA to participate in fundraising and community service activities outside the playing and practice season, as long as those activities did not involve athletics ability. Requiring a SA to participate in such activities outside the playing and practice season is contrary to the Division III philosophy. Bylaw – (d)
RSRO Questions
RSRO Question No. 4 During the men’s soccer nontraditional segment, an institution’s men’s soccer coach required his SAs to participate in a community service activity – reading at a nursing home. The coach counted the community service activity toward the maximum daily and weekly limits of the nontraditional segment. There is disagreement among the coaching staff whether it was permissible to require community service during the men’s soccer nontraditional segment. What do you think?
New Legislation - Fundraising Proposal No Voluntary out-of-season fundraising events involving the use of athletics ability by student-athletes (either to obtain funds or to participate in the activity), provided participation in the event is open to any and all entrants and student-athletes receive prior approval from the institution’s chancellor or president (or his or her designee) before participating in the activity (see Bylaw for restrictions on promotional activities). Bylaw – (e) NCAA Division III Educational Column 01/14/2016
New Legislation - Fundraising Proposal 2016–6 – (Rationale). No intent to assess or monitor the athletics ability of a SA participating in an athletically related fundraising activity; Offers more fundraising opportunities for SAs; and Offers more opportunities for SAs to network with alumni and friends of institution. Bylaw – (e) Educational Column 01/14/2016
New Legislation - Fundraising Proposal No. 2016–6 – (History). Institutional fundraising activity involving athletics ability was considered an athletically related activity. Student-athletes (SAs) and coaches may not engage in athletically related activities outside the playing and practice season. Bylaws and Educational Column 01/14/2016
Athletically Related Fundraising – Out-of-Season Voluntary? No Not permissible per Bylaw – (e) Yes Proceed to next question
New Legislation - Fundraising Is the event voluntary? SA may not be required to participate. SA may not be penalized or recognized based on participation. Bylaw – (e) Educational Column 01/14/2016
Open to Any and All? No Not permissible per Bylaw – (e) Yes Proceed to next question. Athletically Related Fundraising – Out-of-Season
New Legislation - Fundraising Is the event open to any and all? If an activity is limited to the specific team or only to SAs, it is not open to any and all. If it is open to the entire student body, it is open to any and all. Bylaw – (e) Educational Column 01/14/2016
Athletically Related Fundraising – Out-of-Season Competition or Practice (under guise of fundraiser)? No Proceed to next question. Yes Not permissible per – (e)
New Legislation - Fundraising Is the event a guise for competition or practice? Coaches may not assess or provide instruction to a SA; SA may not compete as part of a team in the SA’s sport if the fundraiser is organized or administered by the athletics department or benefits the athletics department. In individual sports, such units as golf foursomes, doubles tennis teams and relay teams in track and field are not considered to be team competition. Bylaw – (e) Official Interpretation 04/22/2016 Educational Column 01/14/2016
The following continue to be permissible outside the playing season: SA competing in out-of-season event that is not administered by and does not benefit athletics department. SA competing in out-of-season event that is in a sport other than the SA’s sport(s). The SA participates as an individual in an individual sport (e.g., institutional 5k, golf outing); SA working the event in any capacity (e.g., referee; scorekeeper; registration). Bylaw – (e) Official Interpretation 04/22/2016 Educational Column 01/14/2016 Athletically Related Fundraising – Out-of-Season
Athletically Related Fundraising – Out-of-Season Meet promotional activities legislation (Bylaw )? No Not permissible per Bylaw – (e) Yes Permissible per Bylaw – (e)
Keep in Mind!
New Legislation - Fundraising Keep in Mind… No limit on the number of institutional fundraisers involving athletics ability. Institutional fundraisers may occur throughout the calendar year (including summer). Funds are considered “unearned” when a SA participates in an institutional fundraising event involving athletics ability (funds may not be designated for a SA). Bylaws and Educational Column 01/14/2016
Requests/Self-Reports Online Questions (Continued)
RSRO Question No. 5 An institution’s field hockey team is planning a trip to Florida for spring break After their traditional segment concludes this fall, they would like to host a “Faculty vs. Field Hockey Team” contest, in which each participating professor donates $10 for every goal the faculty team scores. Is this permissible outside the playing and practice season? How could this be permissible?
RSRO Question No. 6 In August the men’s basketball team would like to host (but not compete in) a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, open to the student body, as part of the institution’s “Welcome Back to Campus” schedule of activities. Is this permissible? Could the women’s basketball team compete in the tourney?
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