Excel Assignment #3 Adding Numbers in Excel Using Formulas
Formulas AutoSum
Adding numbers Example #2
4 SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN SUMAdds all numbers in a range of cells AVGCalculates the Average of all numbers in a range of cells MAXGives the Largest number in the range of cells MINGives the Smallest number in the range of cells
5 Adding up numbers in cells Craves Candy Company MondayTuesdayWednesday Truffles463 Fudge221 Candy659 Chocolate Bars 989 Cookies667 Steps 1.Select the cells you want to add 2.Select Formulas from the top toolbar 3.Select AutoSum 4.Select SUM 5.Excel will add the numbers in the cells and display the total in the appropriate cell Note: you can also choose Average, Max or Min under AutoSum Task: Type the above information into Excel and practice adding up the total number of sales for each day
Go to * Click on NFL * Click on Standing Fill in the Table Below Note: PF = Points For PA = Points Against WINSLOSSESPFPA Baltimore Buffalo Giants Dallas Green Bay Jets New England Texans Seattle Miami
7 Adding and Graphing the NFL Data Step 1 - take the data from your table and type it into Excel. Step 2 – Type in Total in Cell A12 Step 3 – Use the SUM formula to add total Wins, Losses, PF, PA for all Teams Step 4 – Make a Bar graph showing the wins for each team. Step 5 – Make a Line graph showing PF (Points For) for each team. Step 6 – Make a Pie Graph showing Giants wins and losses.
8 NFL Spreadsheet – Grading Rubric CategoryPoints Accuracy of Information in Excel/25 Bar Graph showing wins for each team (chart title, x-axis and y-axis title, clear to read, new formatting to make unique) /50 Line Graph showing PF each team (chart title, x-axis and y-axis title, clear to read, new formatting to make unique) /50 Pie Graph showing Green Bay’s Wins and Losses (title, labeled, clear to read, unique formatting) /50 SUM formula in correct cells with correct answers /25 TOTAL/200