How to create a graph using Microsoft Excel By Lynn Carroll
1) Type data into cells. 2) Highlight row and click Sum tab above. 3) Auto Sum sign. Using Auto Sum.
2) Click the graph tab. 1) Highlight all names and numbers. Creating a graph – part 1
Creating a graph – part 2 1) Choose the type of graph that you want. 2) Click next.
Creating a Graph - part 3 Choose columns…. Or rows… Then click next.
Creating a graph – part 4 1) Type in a title. 2) Label your x and y axis. 3) Then click next. Feel free to experiment using the other tabs.
1) To show graph on a separate sheet click here. 2) To add the graph to the same sheet, click here. 3) Then click finish.
Congratulations, you have created a graph using Excel!