DWP ESF – Support for Families with Multiple Problems – Gloucestershire’s Family Action Programme
Aims of the session The Families Agenda The Family Action Programme purpose Interactions with other programmes LA and Provider responsibilities Eligibility Criteria Identification & Referral Process Delivery of the provision Questions? Further information
The Families Agenda Families with multiple problems are a priority for this government. Prime Minister’s commitment to try and turn around the most troubled families in the county by Across Government, measures are being introduced to support families which include: -Community Budgets; -Working Families Everywhere; -ESF Support for families with Multiple Problems -Troubled Families Team
ESF Funding Priorities ESF Priority 1 – Extending employment opportunities (England). Supports projects to tackle the barriers to work faced by unemployed and disadvantaged people.
DWP ESF Support for Families with Multiple Problems Contracts are for three years Provision is voluntary and will open for 12 months; Local Authorities (LAs) will be asked to identify families; It will aim to tackle entrenched worklessness; Support will be available to individual family members; One Prime Provider per Contract Package Area; Gloucestershire’s ‘Prime’ is Twin Employment and Training, who have sub-contracted to Prospects Training Services;
The Family Action Programme Provision provides: Part-time involvement for all participants; Tailored and flexible support; Access to key worker support; In-depth assessments; An agreed individual action plan; Links to other support; Post-employment support
Critical Success Factors Contribute to an increase in the number of identified individuals/families with multiple problems engaging in work related activity; Contribute to a decrease in the number of identified families with multiple problems; Contribute to a decrease in the number of workless households; Contribute to the 22% overall job outcome target DWP has as an ESF Co-Financing Organisation
Interactions with the Work Programme Work programme (WP) activity will take precedence over ESF activity; Individuals participating in ESF support who are mandated onto WP may be able to participate in ESF and WP provision simultaneously; When mandated onto WP, ESF Providers should (where possible) work with WP Providers to ensure that support is aligned. If an individual is already on the WP they will not be eligible for ESF family provision. This does not affect the eligibility of other family members; If an individual joins the WP other members of their family who are on ESF provision will be able to remain on ESF provision.
Interactions with other Programmes Job Centre Plus activity will take precedence over ESF activity; ESF voluntary support should be additional to the basic requirements of a benefits claimant’s conditionality regime; Ensure individuals have access to other relevant services for which they are eligible; which will move them closer to employment; It will be important to avoid duplication and clashes of support.
The Family Action Programme - Local Authority Role Identifying families working with stakeholders; Ongoing relationships with providers; DWP and LA’s will not have a contractual relationship.
The Family Action Programme – Provider Responsibilities Ongoing relationship with LA; Work with LA to explore local opportunities and ensure their proposals are appropriate to their area; Agree with LA, the processes for identifying families; Ensure the provision complements and aligns with locally available provision and does not duplicate it; Retain documentation for ESF audit purposes.
National - Eligibility for The Families Action Programme Multi-generational workless families with multiple problems; Family members must be aged16 or over; At start of the provision at least one member of the family must be in receipt of a DWP work age benefit. This family member can passport all other eligible family members. Either no one in the family is working or there is a history of worklessness across generations; Family members who are working more than 16 hours a will not be eligible.
Local – Eligibility for the Family Action Programme Priority will be given to those who have been, are still, or are at a clear risk of being victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. All families should meet five of the agreed criteria: One member of the family is on a working age benefit Family lives in poor quality housing or over crowded or unsafe housing One parent has no qualifications Mother has mental health problems At least one parent has longstanding limiting illness, disability or infirmity Family has low income (below 60%) of the median Family cannot afford a number of food and clothing items Child/children excluded or truanting from school
DWP working age benefits are: Carer’s Allowance; Severe Disablement Allowance; Employment & Support Allowance; Incapacity Benefit; Income Support; Jobseeker’s Allowance
Examples of Stakeholders Locality Team MembersHealth Visitors Social CareGPs Children CentresVoluntary Sector Organisations NEETSDARP / CARP Care LeaversPrivate, Voluntary Independent Childcare providers Young CarersCurrent Specialist Providers Adult EducationCity Council Youth SupportDistrict Councils Probation Self Referral by individuals
Identification & Referral Process Stakeholders identify families Stakeholders complete relevant forms LA Logs forms and send to Twin & s Prospects Training Services Twin contact JCP for eligibility criteria Prospects Training Services JCP confirm eligibility of working age benefit
Further information ESF Website: DWP Website: GCC: Twin Employment & Training: Prospects Training Services: Job Centre Plus: Centre-Plus