WRRO: Creating and running a shared, open access repository Rachel Proudfoot White Rose Research Online
About the White Rose Consortium White Rose Research Online Origins What’s good What can be tricky Emerging repository architecture A few things to consider..
over 30,500 students 8,000 staff 9 Faculties, 150+ schools, centres, institutes Copyright © University of Leeds Copyright © University of York over 24,000 students 6,000 staff 5 Faculties, 50 departments over 12,000 students 3,100 staff 30 departments Leeds Sheffield York
“By combining strengths, particularly in science and technology, our goal is to ensure that our partner institutions and the Yorkshire region can prosper through unity…”
WRRO Rationale To accomplish what no one member could alone… Cooperative framework Lend weight and credibility Economy of scale 1 To investigate whether it was a good idea.. Can we have some cash please… 1 For a different approach, see the SHERPA-LEAP consortiumSHERPA-LEAP consortium
Governance White Rose Research PVCs x3 White Rose Library Directors x3 WR Repository Steering Group Leeds - Head of e-Strategy and Development (Chair) Sheffield - Assistant Director, Academic Services York - Head of Operations and Services Repository Officer Goodwill -> Memorandum of Understanding (2009)
What’s good Some economy of scale Pooling of resources Sharing experience and expertise Extends beyond the repository Networking with Research Office staff Collaboration lends weight Opportunities still to be realised? What’s tricky..
Scale Distance Complexity Don’t be put off!
Areas for consideration What software platform will do you what need? Pre-existing partnership or new? Realistic costs (can fall disproportionately on host) Pilot or long term Appropriate autonomy Other local systems Staffing Is a formal Consortium Agreement needed?
Researchers love their disciplines, not necessarily their institutions Emerging architectures across the consortium…
York Digital Library (YODL)
WRRO YODL LUDOS RMS YorkRMS Sheffield Leeds Symplectic
Other models SHERPA Leap SHERPA Leap HARP consortium HARP consortium national, public, and private university libraries in Hiroshima prefecture low cost to each partner Texas Digital Library Texas Digital Library Scottish Digital Library Consortium Scottish Digital Library Consortium
Thanks! Rachel Proudfoot r.e.proudfoot at leeds.ac.uk