SHEFFIELD AIMING TO BE A CITY WHERE GROWING OLD CAN BE ENJOYED – NOT FEARED Ian Wright – Assistant Unit Manager Older People’s Housing Strategy Team
SHEFFIELD’S POPULATION Currently in excess of 88,000 people over 65 years rising to 107,000 by 2021 which equates to 1 in 5 of the population – this is an higher percentage than any other large city in the U.K Higher levels of mental & physical ill health Generally live in low demand, poor quality housing with a dependence on institutional forms of care
DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN Older Peoples Housing Team set up in 2001 Examine issues facing older people Consultant appointed to look at 2 key areas : Extra Care Housing – is there demand and how does it link to needs of Social Services and NHS Trusts Sheltered Housing - what role does it play and what is its future
EXTRA CARE HOUSING Sheffield looked at a variety of models Considered locations across all 4 PCT areas Site appraisal model produced Development Plan agreed by Cabinet year programme to produce 12 ECH schemes and 1 Village Social Housing Grant (SHG) to be used as vehicle for delivery
SHELTERED HOUSING – A FUTURE? Consultant found many of 36 schemes at risk Many have bedsits, shared facilities with ageing residents Option to invest in those that have a future Development of “Very Sheltered Housing” Alternative uses through partnerships
PROGRESS SO FAR First ECH scheme opened in April 04 with development of next to start in the Autumn Private Sector ECH scheme to open Winter 04 Retirement Village providing 218 units on site Nov 04 – 5000 names on data base Launch of Fundraising Event today aim to raise £2.6m by mid £1.5m already secured Development of partnerships to produce 2 bids to DoH ECH Fund Gateway Review of ECH undertaken
THE WAY FORWARD Build on existing Older Peoples Housing Strategy Look at alternative funding options to deliver housing Use Partnerships established through the LIN network to utilise knowledge and experience available Develop partnerships with NHS Trusts and Private Sector to develop options for Sheltered Housing Utilise results of Gateway Review to influence direction of ECH programme Provide the chance for people to choose how and where they live their lives