YOUR LOGO HERE “Europe’s history has been one of rivalry and war. That history could easily have been today’s reality save for the European Union, which has changed profoundly the political culture of our continent, and made war between former sworn enemies unthinkable.” –British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, message to House of Commons, June 16, 2004
YOUR LOGO HERE Early Attempts at Unity lRome lCharlemagne lHoly Roman Empire lBourbons lHapsburgs lNapoleon lConcert of Europe lHitler
YOUR LOGO HERE Post-WWII Developments lBenelux lEuropean Coal and Steel Community lEuropean Economic Community lEuropean Community lEuropean Union
YOUR LOGO HERE Why post-WWII unification? lPrevent continued conflict in western Europe (France/ Germany) lBuild European financial strength lProvide mutual security lImprove domestic affairs lNot to make United States of Europe!!
YOUR LOGO HERE Benelux lBenelux Treaty, 1948 lBelgium lNetherlands lLuxemburg Benelux
YOUR LOGO HERE Benelux l1 st attempt at supra-nationalism lInformally combined: –Means of economic production and distribution –Basic political structures Benelux
YOUR LOGO HERE Schuman Declaration lSchuman, French Minister of Foreign Affairs lProposed to Germany to join on equal footing a new body responsible for joint management of coal and steel lAdenauer, German Chancellor, accepted ECSC
YOUR LOGO HERE European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) lTreaty of Paris, 1951 lWest Germany lFrance lItaly lBenelux ECSC
YOUR LOGO HERE European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) lCombined means of production and distribution of coal and steel –War-making materials lSingle concrete goal –Means to an end... peace between France and Germany ECSC
YOUR LOGO HERE European Economic Community (EEC) (Common Market) lTreaty of Rome, 1957 lWest Germany lFrance lItaly lBenelux EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE EEC Foci lDeepening –Economic integration lEURATOM (European Atomic Energy Commission) –Focus nuclear research toward energy, not weaponry EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE Common Agricultural Policy, 1962 lDeepening in agricultural relations lControversial –Price supports –Therefore, over-production EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE Merger Treaty, 1965 lBrought together: –EEC –ECSC –EURATOM EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE Lomé Convention, 1975 lFormal economic agreement with former European colonies –Financial aid –Trade relations –British Commonwealth & French Empire –Rivalry with US EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE European Monetary System, 1979 lFurther deepening of trade policy –Eventually currency and monetary policy lPoor nations problematic, like Greece, Spain, and Italy lUK and Denmark balked EEC
YOUR LOGO HERE Single European Act, 1986 lDeadline for Single Market (1992) lCreated smoother procedures l Removed non-tariff barriers –Illegal to have national laws as barriers to trade EC
YOUR LOGO HERE European Union lMaastricht Treaty, 1992 lUK forced removal of references to development of federalism EU
YOUR LOGO HERE 3 Pillars of Maastricht Treaty 1st European Community for monetary issues EU 3rd Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs 2nd Common Foreign and Security Policy
YOUR LOGO HERE Enlargement Criteria l Copenhagen European Council of 1993 lEconomic –Market economy –Withstand market forces –Inflation within 1½% of 3 best countries l Political –Stability and transparency of institut ions EU
YOUR LOGO HERE Executive (consults and proposes) Legislative (makes laws) Judicial ( ensures that law is observed) CommissionCouncilEuropean Parliament Court of Justice Institutions EU
YOUR LOGO HERE Single Currency lEMU (European Monetary Unit) –1992 (idea begun with Maastricht Treaty) lEuro-- € –01/01/99—exchange rate set –01/01/02—currency in use EU