Define Geography: Study of how humans adapt to their environment
Major themes in Geography: A. Location: Where are you? The two types of location are: 1. Absolute: exact 2. Relative: Where you are in relation to something else
Examples: Absolute: Latitude/longitude Street Address Relative: “In Minnesota” “By Target” “South Minneapolis”
Themes Cont. B. Place: Physical and human characteristics that make your place different than mine
Physical Characteristics Rivers Mountains Vegetation
Human Characteristics Shelter Language Religion
C. Human-Environment Interaction: Ways that people interact with their environment and change it Positive: Plant Trees Recycle Ride bikes instead of drive Negative Cut down trees Pollution Garbage
D. Region: Areas in the world that are defined by unifying characteristics Examples: Midwest * South Metro Iron range
E. Movement: How people interact, communicate, and depend on other people Ways we move people, products, & ideas? Cars*Phone*Air*mail* Text messages*trucks
Things that prevent movement: Stereotypes Bad Information Hurricanes Traffic Living in secluded areas
What theme is this? Human-Environment Interaction Place
What theme is this? Location: Relative
What theme is this? Region