The Big Interview Final project By, Selina Fuller EDU650
Introduction I am applying for a position to teach introductory astronomy at a college level. This would be Stellar Astronomy or Planetary Astronomy. Stellar Astronomy: This is the study of the stars. This course allows us to look at the science and math of astronomy. The distance each star is from earth and the speed of light. With this we can look to see if there is another system with a planet that may hold life. Planetary Astronomy: This is the study of the planets in our solar system. It covers the biological science and earth science that helps students understand why Earth is the only planet in our system to hold life.
Philosophy of Education My philosophy od education is to fully be there for the students. I want to be the teacher they rely on to be precise, on time, quick in response, quick in grading. Being able to relate a topic to life to help students to understand something is important to me. I would expect my students to always show respect to me and to their classmates. With having respect no matter what the idea is would be good because then even if you disagree you still show respect and explain why you disagree without causing a scene or being rude.
Classroom Management Plan Class rules: 1) be respectful, 2) be responsible for your words and actions, 3) no cell phones on or in use during a lecture or group discussion, and 4) always ask for help before you fall behind. Students role: to do their part and participate to the fullest extent of their ability, participate in both discussions and group work, and be pleasant in the class The role I wish to play in the classroom is one of lecturing and a facilitator. My wish is that my class with be a 50/50 style so that I have time to just be there for the students not just lecturing and constantly grading homework to where I fall behind and become stressed.
Different School Models “The content refers to the information students need to learn by the end of a unit, lesson, or school year. The process id the route by which students engage in making meaning of the content and mastering its core aspects. Finally, the products are the artifacts that students create to demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the content,” (Newman, 2013)
Lesson Plans and Students Role Planning lessons start with what standards will students learn this lesson, and end with how will students learn the lessons. Having language objectives, state standards, learning objectives and activities help to accomplish this task. Knowing where the students are before you start a new unit is good to know where to start and what basics that need covered before the class moves on. It is up to the students to let me know if we are moving too fast or too slow in the class. I already know the subject but they do not.
Assessment Matters All assessments when used correctly are good. Sharing the data from the assessments with the students and other teachers can help others be better and help me as the teacher to be better with the next unit or even the next year. “Educators alert to the power of assessment for both learners and teachers realize that the mechanisms they use are reflective of their commitment to learning and that to work at optimal strength the assessment methods and instruments selected must demonstrate consistency with both the instruction and with the teacher’s underpinning philosophy” (Martin, 2014)
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) What qualifications do you already possess that will help you reach your career goals? I have a positive attitude that helps me when I get stuck. I love astronomy and have fun studying space. I hope that with my passion I will not get bored with wanting to get my doctorate. Hard work should never push any one away from what they want because the harder you work the more you want it. What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your career goals (financial, personal, social, etc.)? Which individuals in your personal or professional network can help you? The main barrier that I need to over come is figuring out what is going on with me medically. I have so many issues that we don’t know where to start and sometimes the medication works for one issue and makes another worse. My husband and my mother are both a huge help to me. They are both supportive and able to help me push thru the bad days I have. My husband helps encourage me to always go forward and tries his best to help me with anything. My mother is a support because she understands the frustration I am dealing with. She is also trying to help me get a job at a college to start my teaching career again at a higher level.
References Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Connecting the Dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Martin, Dona L. (2014, July). Australian Journal of Teacher Education, v39 n7 Article 1 Jul pp. Retrieved from a-4a3b-adf5-2835c8ea558f %40sessionmgr4004&hid=4105&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU %3d#db=eric&AN=EJ