CTX Website Instructions
How to Request a Login 1. Click Register at the top of the page. 2. Enter Required information such as User Name (the name you login with) and Password. 3. Press Register. 4. Once submitted, CTX will review your information, and will create an account specifically for your company’s needs. When approved, you will be notified by with your login information.
How to Login 1. Click Login at the top of the page. 2. Enter User Name and Password, then press Login. 3. Once Logged in, you will have access to the following reports:
Track a Shipment 1. Press Reports -> Track a Shipment 2. Enter parameters such as Date Range, Order Number, or Order Status. 3. Press View Report. Order Status All Available (for starting) Canceled Completed Planned (resource assigned) Started -Track your shipments through a real-time web-based report!
Track a Shipment 3. Information such as Order Number, Reference Number, Stop, Arrive/Depart Date, Tractor, Miles, Current Location, and BOL/POD are displayed. 4. If you would like to export this information (i.e. Excel), select the format from the drop-down and press Export. 5. You may also print the document by pressing the Print button. 6. You may view your shipment’s paperwork by pressing the View Paperwork link. -Track your shipments through a real-time web-based report!
Truck Availability 1. Press Reports -> Track a Shipment 2. CTX Available equipment is displayed with Vehicle Type, Status, and Current Location. 3. If you would like to export this information (i.e. Excel), select the format from the drop-down and press Export. 4. You may also print the document by pressing the Print button. -View available equipment in our system.
View Paperwork 1. Press Reports -> View Paperwork 2. Type in Order Number and press Get Paperwork. 3. Press View to view paperwork. NOTE: If paperwork appears to download but does not display, please add to your list of trusted sites. You may also use the Track a Shipment page to view your shipments and access your paperwork. -View the Bill of Lading, Delivery Receipt, Custom Paperwork, and all other Support Documents related to your shipment!