Presentation FREE STATE April 2016
2015/16 MTSF Picture per Programme Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal ExpenditureSitesUnits TOTAL IRDP a Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services 2086 R 18,025, R 40,778, c Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction 10 R 1,735, R 4,106, * a People's Housing process 30 R 3,328, R 2,953, UISP TOTAL 2.2b Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 1600 R 116,453, R 108,942, d Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.2e Integrated Residential development Programme :Phase 4:Top Structure Construction (INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS) 2250 R 368,590, R 307,970, b People's Housing Process INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.4 Informal Settlement Upgrading * 54 foundations (R 1,499,082.02) & 24 wall plates ( R720,427.44)
2015/16 MTSF Picture per Programme Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance SOCIAL AND RENTAL HOUSING INCLUDING CRU TOTAL Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal ExpenditureSitesUnits 3.1 Institutional Subsidies 30 R 41,566, R 13,105, b Social Housing: Capital Grants for rental housing (Funded by NDoH) 3.3b Community residential units (CRU) Constructed 120 R133,367, R 105,094, * -90 RURAL HOUSING TOTAL 4.1 Farm Worker Housing Assistance 4.2 Rural Housing: Communal land rights SUBSIDIES TOTAL 1.1a Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) credit linked R 1,948, b Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) Non - Credit Linked 9 R 1,501, Housing finance linked Individual subsidies (FLISP)-(R R7 000) 47 R 3,752, R 461, a Consolidation Subsidies (Excluding Blocked Projects) * Includes R94,463, for work in progress
Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance 5. PRIORITY PROJECTS Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal ExpenditureSitesUnits 6. PROVINCIAL SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES 1551 R 248,219, R 265,232, TOTAL NATIONAL MTSF TARGET Emergency Housing Programme (new units) 18 R 38,668, R 6,495, Total Total targets Military Veterans 154 R 24,400, R 8,311, Title Deeds Backlog (Pre- 1994) 900 R 900, Title Deeds Backlog (Post- 1994) R 1,836, Title Deeds (New Developments) /16 MTSF Picture per Programme
Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNS Total Planne d Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Site s UnitsTotal expenditureSitesUnits 2.2a Integrated Residential Development Phase ,494, ,450, b Integrated Residential Development Phase 1 Informal Settlements 0 0 R5,642, , e Integrated Residential Development Phase 4 Top Structure Construction Informal Settlements ,085, R 83,214, a Community residential units (CRU) Converted/Upgraded 78 R86,095, R 92,140, Provincial Specific Programmes 240 R 44,797, R 134,577, TOTAL MINING TOWNS
PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal expenditureSitesUnits 1.5a Rectified RDP Stock b Rectification of Housing Stock (pre 1994) 0 R 89,755, R 94,094, Blocked Projects 292 R 42,205, R 40,966, Housing Chapters of IDP's 2.1 Project Linked Subsidies (current commitments approved up to 31/03/07) 2.5b Consolidation Subsidies (Blocked Projects) 2.6 Emergency Housing Assistance 18 R 38,668, R 6,495, a Community Residential Units (CRU) Converted/Upgraded 120 R 133,367, R 105,094, Emergency (existing units) TOTAL
PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDITIONAL REPORTS Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDDITIONAL REPORTS Total Planne d Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal expenditure SitesUnits 1.3 Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS) , State Asset Maintenance Programme 1.6 Social and Economic Facilities 1.8 Operational Capital Budget 52,864, a Land parcels procured(IHAHSD) 15,000, Total
OTHER PROGRAMMES TO BE FUNDED Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance OTHER PROGRAMMES THAT ARE TO BE FUNDED Total Planne d Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation SitesUnitsTotal expenditureSitesUnits 1.10 NHBRC enrolment (related to grant) R 504, R 3,805, a Social Housing: Operational Support 1.7 Accredited Municipalities (level 1 & 2): 5,000, Disaster Relief Total
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme TOTAL IRDP ,021, ,938, ,960, a Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services ,021, c Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction ,508, a People's Housing process ,430, UISP TOTAL ,073, ,129, ,203, b Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS ,073, d Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 92 10,460, e Integrated Residential development Programme :Phase 4:Top Structure Construction (INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS) ,668, b People's Housing Process INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.4 Informal Settlement Upgrading
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme SOCIAL AND RENTAL HOUSING INCLUDING CRU TOTAL ,807, Institutional Subsidies ,953, b Social Housing:Capital Grants for rental housing (Funded by NDoH) 3.3b Community residential units (CRU) Constructed ,854,021 RURAL HOUSING TOTAL 4.1 Farm Worker Housing Assistance 4.2 Rural Housing: Communal land rights SUBSIDIES TOTAL ,332, a Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) credit linked 1.1b Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) Non - Credit Linked ,532, Housing finance linked Individual subsidies (FLISP)-(R R7 000) 80 4,800, a Consolidation Subsidies (Excluding Blocked Projects)
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 5. PRIORITY PROJECTS ,028, PROVINCIAL SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES ,028, TOTAL NATIONAL MTSF TARGET Emergency Housing Programme (new units) 18 3,934, Total Total targets Military Veterans 49 9,762, Title Deeds Backlog (Pre-1994) , Title Deeds Backlog (Post-1994) ,694, Title Deeds (New Developments) 3326 Included in the quantum
MINING TOWNS PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNSTotal Planned Sites Budget for Sites Total Planned Units Budget for Units Total Budget Allocation per programme Land Parcels Procured 9,000, Accreditation Level 1 &2 500, a Integrated Residential Development Phase ,196, b Integrated Residential Development Phase 1 Informal Settlements ,311, c Integrated Residential Development Phase 2 Top Structure Construction 19221,301, e Integrated Residential Development Phase 4 Top Structure Construction Informal Settlements ,988, TOTAL
MINING TOWNS PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNSTotal Planned Sites Budget for Sites Total Planned Units Budget for UnitsTotal Budget Allocation per programme 3.3b Community residential units (CRU) Constructed 26845,567, Provincial Specific Programmes16131,376, Title Deeds Backlog31043,104, TOTAL
PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Total Planned Sites Budget for Sites Total Planned Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 1.5a Rectified RDP Stock b Rectification of Housing Stock (pre 1994) Blocked Projects Housing Chapters of IDP's Project Linked Subsidies (current commitments approved up to 31/03/07) b Consolidation Subsidies (Blocked Projects) a Community Residential Units (CRU) Converted/Upgraded Emergency Programme (existing units) 000 TOTAL 0 0 0
PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDDITIONAL REPORTS Total SitesBudget for SitesTotal UnitsBudget for UnitsTotal Allocation per programme 1.3 Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS) , State Asset Maintenance Programme Social and Economic Facilities Operational Capital Budget 52,864, a Land parcels procured(IHAHSD) 9,000, Total
OTHER PROGRAMMES THAT ARE TO BE FUNDED Total SitesBudget for SitesTotal Units Budget for UnitsTotal Allocation per programme 1.10 NHBRC enrolment (related to grant) 6,052, a Social Housing: Operational Support Accredited Municipalities (level 1 & 2): 5,500, Disaster Relief 0 Total 11,552,314.00
CHALLENGES/ RISKS, REMEDIAL MEASURES TAKEN, ACTIONS REQUIRED FROM THE NATIONAL DEPARTMENT CHALLENGES / RISKSMITIGATION MEASURES TAKEN BY THE PROVINCE ACTION REQUIRED FROM THE NDHS Budgetary cutsAdditional funding sourced from the provincial government None Cost of constructionUse of alternative building technology Adjustment of Subsidy quantum to suite Partnering with the private sector in delivery of houses Acquisition of private sector performance through NHBRC Facilitation of private sector coordination
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