Chapter 19 Topics: Our energy sources Coal Natural gas Crude oil Alternative fossil fuels Environmental impacts of fossil fuels Political, social, and economic aspects Conserving energy and enhancing efficiency
Our energy has several sources Energy powers modern human society Most of our energy comes from the sun Solar, wind, hydropower, biomass Fossil fuels = combustible substances composed of the remains of organisms from past geologic ages We also use thermal energy from Earth’s core (geothermal energy) and the energy contained in the nuclei of radioactive elements (nuclear energy) We use many of these sources to produce a “secondary” energy – electricity
Fossil fuels lead the way Oil, coal, and natural gas have replaced biomass as our dominant sources of energy The high-energy content of fossil fuels makes them efficient to burn, ship, and store Consumption is at its highest level
Our energy flow
Renewable vs. non-renewable Renewable energy = our use does not reduce the amount available in the future Sunlight, wind, hydropower Biomass (conditional) Geothermal energy, and tidal energy Non-renewable energy = our use will deplete Earth’s accessible store in decades to centuries Oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear energy To replenish the fossil fuels we have depleted so far would take millions of yea rs
Formation of fossil fuels Fossil fuels were formed from organisms that lived 100–500 million years ago Fossil fuels are formed by anaerobic decomposition; organic material is broken down with little or no O 2 Aerobic decomposition (in the presence of O 2 ) produces carbon dioxide
Global resource distribution Some regions have substantial reserves whereas others have very few How long a nation’s reserves will last depends on how much the nation extracts, uses, exports, and imports Nearly 67% of the world’s proven reserves of crude oil lie in the Middle East Russia has the largest natural gas reserves The U.S. has the largest coal reserves
Global consumption distribution People in developed regions consume far more energy than those in developing nations, using 100 times more energy per person Energy use in industrialized nations is evenly divided between transportation, industry, and other uses Developing nations use energy for subsistence activities Agriculture, food preparation, and home heating They use manual or animal energy, not fossil fuels
Global consumption – visually
Energy economics We don’t get energy for free To find, extract, process, and deliver energy requires substantial inputs of energy Net energy = the difference between energy returned and energy invested Energy “return on investment” (EROI) = energy returned/energy invested; higher ratios mean we receive more energy than we invest EROI ratios can change When we extract the easiest deposits first, we have to work harder to extract the remaining reserves The EROI ratio for U.S. has gone from 100:1 to 5:1
Coal Coal = plant material compressed under high pressure to form dense, solid carbon structures The world’s most abundant fossil fuel; most known reserves were created 300–400 million years ago The Earth has enough coal to last a few hundred years Coal fueled the Industrial Revolution Now used primarily to generate electricity; provides half the U.S. electrical generating capacity The U.S. and China are the primary producers and consumers of coal
Coal varies in quality Coal varies in its potential energy due to variation in its water content and carbon content (density) Time, heat, and pressure decrease moisture and increase carbon content (density) and potential energy Peat = near-surface, moist, “dirt-like” Lignite = lowest grade Sub-bituminous and bituminous Anthracite = contains the most energy
A typical coal-fired power plant
Environmental considerations Coal mining methods are either highly dangerous (subsurface mining) or extremely destructive (strip mining and mountain-top removal) Coal contain impurities – sulfur, mercury, arsenic, other metals – that are emitted when coal is burned Sulfur content depends on whether the coal formed in salt water (high) or freshwater (low); eastern coal is high in sulfur, western coal is low in sulfur
Natural gas Natural gas = methane (CH 4 ), other hydrocarbons The fastest growing fossil fuel in use today at 25% of global energy consumption It is versatile (residential, electricity, transportation) It is cleaner-burning, emitting ½ the CO 2 of coal World supplies projected to last about 60 years Russia leads the world in production; the U.S. leads the world in use
Natural gas origins Biogenic gas = pure methane created at shallow depths by bacterial anaerobic decomposition of organic matter Thermogenic gas = methane and other gases arise from compression and heat deep underground Most of the gas that is extracted commercially is thermogenic gas; generally occurs with crude oil Kerogen = organic matter that results when carbon bonds begin breaking; source material for natural gas and crude oil
Natural gas extraction Natural gas is extracted through wells drilled into the rock formations in which it has collected The easily accessible reserves were often free- flowing, but most wells now require pumping Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) = a new method to extract natural gas from shale (a tight, fine-grained rock) Significantly expanded U.S. reserves Has its own set of environmental issues
Petroleum (crude oil) Petroleum (crude oil) = a mixture of hundreds of different types of hydrocarbon molecules; also forms from kerogen Petroleum is the world’s most used fuel, accounting for 35% of global energy use Used primarily for transportation fuels, but also provides feedstocks for the chemical industry Russia and Saudi Arabia are the leading producers; the U.S. is the leading consumer
Exploration and extraction Geologists use a variety of tools to predict where petroleum deposits occur; eventually exploratory drilling must be done to “prove the reserve” Petroleum is extracted through production wells Primary extraction = the initial drilling and pumping of available oil, can be free-flowing initially Secondary extraction = solvents, water, or steam is used to remove additional oil, but it is expensive We lack the technology to remove every bit of oil, but as prices rise, it can be economical to reopen wells
Extraction illustrated
Limitations to extraction Technology limits what can be extracted, but economics determines how much will be extracted As prices rise, economically recoverable amounts approach technically recoverable amounts Proven recoverable reserve = the amount of oil that is technically and economically feasible to remove under current conditions Of the 11.6–31.5 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, only 4.3–11.8 billion barrels are currently “technologically recoverable”
Petroleum – how long will it last? We have about 1 trillion barrels of oil reserves At current levels of production (30 billion barrels/year), these reserves will last about 40 years We will begin having problems when the rate of production begins to decline – before we run out Peak oil = rate of production peaks and declines Discoveries of new oil fields peaked 30 years ago, and we are using more oil than we are discovering
U.S. peak oil In 1956, petroleum geologist M. King Hubbard predicted – accurately as it turns out – that oil production would peak around 1970
Global peak oil
And then what? We won’t recognize that we have passed peak production until several years after it happens Geologists disagree about reserves; companies and governments do not fully disclose their oil reserves “Reserves” depend on technology and the economy Peak production will occur – it’s impact is unclear The pessimistic “long emergency” – a spiraling collapse of economies based on cheap transportation The optimistic view – a recognition of the need for improved efficiencies and conservation coupled with a transition to alternative energy sources
Oil sands Oil sands (tar sands) = sand deposits with bitumen A form of petroleum rich in carbon, poor in hydrogen Degraded and chemically altered crude oil deposits Removed by strip mining Requires special extraction and refining processes Most is in Venezuela and Alberta
Oil shale Oil shale = sedimentary rock filled with kerogen, can be burned like coal or baked in the presence of hydrogen to extract liquid petroleum World’s supplies may equal 600 billion barrels, 40% is in the U.S., mostly on federally owned land in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah Low prices for crude oil have kept investors away, but as oil prices increase, oil shale is attracting interest
Methane hydrates Methane hydrate (methane ice) = molecules of methane in a crystal lattice of ice molecules Occurs in Arctic locations and under the seafloor Immense amounts could be present, from 2 to 20 times the known amounts of natural gas We do not know how to extract it safely Stable at cold temperatures and high pressures A sudden phase change during extraction could cause landslides and tsunamis
Issues with alternative fossil fuels Net energy values are low because they are expensive to extract and process (EROI = 2:1) Have the same environmental issues as traditional fossil fuels Extraction causes significant disruption of landscapes; pollution of land, water, and air; and destruction of ecosystems (with attendant loss of ecosystem services) Burning these fuels releases CO 2 and has the potential to release other criteria air pollutants with their attendant human health impacts
Externalized costs and subsidies Costs of alleviating environmental impacts are not internalized in the market price of fossil fuels External costs are paid for in medical expenses, environmental cleanup, and decreased quality of life Gas prices and utility bills don’t cover production costs Government subsidies keep fossil fuel prices cheap Fossil fuel industries get more than renewable ones
“Clean coal”? Clean coal technologies = technologies, equipment, and approaches to remove chemical contaminants while generating electricity from coal Scrubbers chemically convert or remove pollutants Gasification = coal is converted into synthetic gas Fluidized bed combustion = allows hotter combustion temperatures for complete combustion These technologies have reduced pollution, but clean coal is still a dirty way to generate power
Carbon capture/sequestration Even very clean coal still releases greenhouse gases Carbon capture and carbon storage (sequestration) captures CO2 emissions, converts it to a liquid, and then stores it underground or in the ocean The $1.5 billion FutureGen project will design, construct, and operate a coal-burning power plant for electricity while capturing and storing carbon underground This technology is too unproven to depend on and it prolongs our dependence on fossil fuels
Energy dependence Due to the uneven global distribution of fossil fuels resources (especially petroleum), many nations are somewhat or fully dependent on foreign energy Vulnerable to supplies becoming unavailable or costly Seller nations manipulate prices, causing panics and inflation The U.S. imports 67% of its crude oil
Dependence affects policy The politically volatile Middle East has the majority of oil reserves, causing constant concern for the U.S. The U.S. has a close relationship with Saudi Arabia Despite Saudi Arabia’s lack of democracy Because it owns 22% of the world’s oil reserves Iraq has 10% of the world’s oil, many believe this is why the U.S. invaded it in 2003
Our reliance on fossil fuels
The future of fossil fuels There are good reasons for our use of fossil fuels But by definition, their supplies are limited and their use has increasingly unacceptable consequences We can extend our ability to use fossil fuels and reduce their impacts by improving our conservation and efficiency Energy conservation = reducing overall energy use, through behavioral choices Energy efficiency = getting the same energy output from less energy input, through technology improvements
Lessons from the past? The OPEC embargo of 1973 caused increased conservation, but it didn’t last Without high prices and shortages, there was no incentive to conserve Government-supported research into alternative energy decreased Speed limits increased
CAFE Standards Corporate average fuel efficiency (CAFE) standards mandate higher fuel efficiency in cars Fuel efficiency rose quickly prior 1984, but actually decreased during the next 20 years as standards remained unchanged When the standards were again raised in 2007, fuel efficiencies again quickly responded European and Japanese cars are twice as efficient as U.S. cars
Summary Fossil fuels have helped build our complex industrialized societies We are now approaching a turning point in history – fossil fuel production will begin to decline We can encourage conservation, improve the efficiency of our use, and develop alternative energy sources Renewable energy sources are becoming feasible and economical