COLLEGE PROFILE Approximately 1080 students from Year 7 – 12. Part of the Wyndham Network in WMR College SFO = 0.80 Multicultural aspect: 13% Refugee background On Track Data – 32% University, 32% TAFE, 16% Employed, 12% App, 8% Deferred Median Study Score = 2005 – 24.2, Science Centre & Building Futures Program
COLLEGE MEETING STRUCTURE 12 P&D Teams with Leading Teachers - (2 per term) Leading Teacher Meetings (fortnightly) 4 X Teaching & Learning Teams (Enrichment, Numeracy, Ultranet, & ESL) – fortnightly Literacy Teachers Meeting (twice a term) Whole KLA Meetings (2 per term) 8 KLA (Year Level) PLT’s – focus on 7, 8 & 9 - (1 or 2 per term) Principal Meeting (1 per term)
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING WALKS E5 Major focus of Professional Development Term 1:Leading Teachers Term 2 – 4:Whole School Each teacher must spend 1 x 71 minute period observing their Leading Teacher Team Leader per term. What is the learning task? What was the teacher/students doing? (seeing/hearing) What evidence of learning?
DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING CONTINUUM English & Mathematics KLA Year 7, 8 & 9 Learning Continuum centred on: -Reading & Number domains -All students across Years 7, 8 & 9 will be ‘mapped’ along continuum before the end of Term 1. -All teachers will access this information on display in staffroom -College wide across all KLA Areas
April 2009 EVALUATION OF CURRENT LITERACY PROGRAM - Literacy Teachers, Leadership Team, School Based Literacy Coaches, WMR Literacy Consultants, RNL, Leading Teachers. Program not effective – new model for Semester 2
SEMESTER 2 (2009) NEW MODEL INTRODUCED: -Classroom Libraries (Year 7 Class Trial) -Independent Reading across Year 7 & 8 (new Books) -Staff/Student Literacy Conferencing -Literacy Teachers & English Teachers
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All Year 7 & 8 Literacy Teachers, Literacy Coaches and Junior Curriculum Manager WMR Literacy Consultants & Coaches (Di Snowball & Ian Hauser) 6 weeks of Intensive training revolving around Classroom Libraries, Independent Reading and Literacy Conferencing. Ongoing PD throughout Semester with Literacy Consultants, Assistant Principal & Coaches (once a week)
Literacy Coaching Program School based literacy coaching program. Regional Literacy Coaching training throughout :1 coaching with 2 staff members 2010 Delivery of PD to all Literacy Teachers Delivery of PD to all staff.
School Based Coaching Use the Gradual Release of Responsibility model for the lesson structure Each lesson has a Focus and Success Criteria Established lessons and materials Conferencing On going development of class libraries.
2009 On-Demand Growth Expected Growth between testing -.30 VELS Level Year 7 & 8 Average Growth.59 - VELS Level Over 1 years growth in 6 months.
2010 Literacy Model Improvements: Assistant Principal – Literacy Year 7 & 8:4 periods English p/f 3 periods SOSE p/f 3 periods Literacy Literacy Teachers Team Teaching & Planning with English & SOSE Teachers Literacy Teachers have regular scheduled meetings School Improvement PLT – Literacy KLA Year Level PLT’s (Key focus of planning)
2010 Literacy Model Staff selection (2 teachers per class) Timetabling – Year 7 and 8 first Common lesson Structure Aim and Success Criteria Mini lesson Independent reading and Conferencing (Goal Setting) Reflective journals Classroom libraries – just right books Purchasing of selective texts – Barrington Stoke One on One intervention at bottom end (3 students per term)
2010 Literacy Model WMR Equip Professional Development WMR – School Based Coaching Professional Development
2010 On Demand Growth Expected Growth between testing -.31 VELS Year VELS Level Year VELS Level Year VELS Level Between year growth: 7-8 TEST 2: Expected :.53Actual :.85
2011 Literacy Model As per 2010 with refinements: Literacy at Year 7 and 8 only link to one teacher Adding Year 9 – 2 periods per fortnight Introducing Literature Circles Increase School based Literacy Coach time to 8 ppf.
WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH Performance Reviews – Literacy, Student Feedback and KLA PLT’s (essential) KLA commitment to 10 Literacy Strategies (Reciprocal Teaching, Survey – Question, Read, Re-tell, Respond – SQ3R Literacy Walks/Professional Learning Walks Raise the profile of Literacy Staff NAPLAN – Literacy
BENEFITS STUDENTS: -Reading for pleasure – choosing “just right books” - Becoming more confident readers -Understand what to do when confronted with unfamiliar words -Making the connection of the importance of Literacy across all subject areas -Improving their academic results across the curriculum
TEACHERS -Better understanding of their students. -Collaborate more effectively with colleagues. -Data informs best practice -Fosters an environment where knowledge base is captured, organised, shared and utlized. -Builds teacher capacity BENEFITS
PARENTS -Gain a much greater appreciation into the importance of Literacy skills -Become involved in the learning process BENEFITS
SCHOOL -Can use data from a range of sources and can identify issues of concern. -Effectively monitor, measure and evaluate programs using ‘real-time’ data. -A real belief that we can ‘raise the bar’ BENEFITS
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