Mission To provide exceptional care to every patient every day with a spirit of warmth, friendliness and personal pride. Values - I.C.A.R.E. Integrity Compassion Accountability Respect Excellence Vision Exceptional Care, Customer Loyalty, Financial Strength PI
Texas Award for Performance Excellence Same criteria and process as the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award! Awarded to organizations that serve as role models for quality, customer satisfaction, and performance excellence in Texas Texas Health Care Quality Improvement Award Awarded by TMF® Health Quality Institute, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Texas PI
Interviewee: Shannon Kane-Reinhardt RN, BSN, Quality Manager (St David’s Round Rock Medical Center) Interviewers: Lombe Chitundu Jean Cusick Yolanda Johnson Vicki McGinnis Sharon Royall-Murphy PI
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PI Core Measures SCIP Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision