Multiple ESI IDs Linked to a Single Service Address Record Linked-Address Action Items
Linked ESI ID clean up effort occurred in Spring ‘04 Four Action Items were placed on the “Parking Lot” seeking further discussion –RMS referred these to TX SET over the Summer ’04 TX SET held a meeting 10/26 to discuss these Action Items Background
Areas of Process Improvement TDSPs to perform a periodic synchronization of TDSP system service addresses to ERCOT system service addresses and provide 814_20 updates to resolve inconsistencies. (using the TDSP ESI ID Extract as the ERCOT data source) –TX SET Determination: Based upon Texas SET’s understanding the ESI ID Linked issue has been resolved by the Market. All TDSPs periodically update their service addresses according to Postal and 911 communications. Action Items
Areas of Process Improvement (Continued) Suggest CRs create an exception process when the TDSP provides an 814_04 (which ERCOT send to the CR in 814_05 transaction) that has a different address than the CR originally submitted Investigate ERCOT creating an exception process when the TDSP provides an 814_04 (which ERCOT send to the CR in 814_05 transaction) that has a different address than that in the ERCOT System –TX SET Determination: Both of these solutions would not be feasible unless changes were made to Texas SET transactions in order to quickly identify the exception in an automated fashion. Action Items
Is there a way to make addresses unique? –After discussion at TX SET, it was determined that the issue is not to make the address unique, but to uniquely identify the service type for an ESI ID when you have “Multiple ESI IDs for the same service address.
Multiple ESIs… Same Address TX SET will discuss this item at subsequent meetingsTX SET will discuss this item at subsequent meetings 123 MainMain