APPLICABILITY Requirements apply if: – Facility located within ¼ mile of Waters of the State and does not meet exemption – For Production Facilities if largest producing oil well produces 10 bbls/day or more and facility does not meet exemption – Pipeline is greater than 6 5/8” OD and greater than 10 miles long and operator determines RWCD could impact Waters of the State within 4 hours 2
Risk and Hazard Analysis Inland Facility C-plans shall include results of a Risk and Hazard Analysis to include: – Operator error – Equipment failure – External events likely to cause an oil spill 3
Risk and Hazard Analysis Spill response strategies should be based on Reasonable Worst Case Spill Volume and trajectory – Production Facilities: 10% of daily average of largest producing well – Distribution Pipelines: max release time (hrs) + max shut-down time (hrs) X max flow (bbls/hr) + drainage volume after shutdown (bbls) 4
Terrestrial vs On-Water Response Resources If measurable flow of waterway has flow less than 180 days/year over a 5 year period, must demonstrate capability to contain and recover RWCS into dry waterway If measurable flow for at least 180 days or more/year, must also demonstrate on-water capabilities – ID fastest flowing waterway & use max flow 5
Risk and Hazard Analysis Response strategies should address : – From point of release – Trajectory of flow (can use oil spill model) – Pathway of impact (calculate distance oil could travel before contained) If oil can impact waterway, estimating waterway flow rate will allow prediction of how far downstream oil may flow ID fastest flowing waterway & use max flow & widest area 6
Risk and Hazard Analysis After determine RWCS volume, trajectory, & pathway of impact, C-plan shall include Offsite Consequence Analysis… – To identify areas, waterways, and resources at risk; then – Identify response strategies ID strategic sites to contain, divert, collect, & recover oil 7
Key Response Strategies In general, response strategies should include: – Containing oil and controlling source as soon as possible – Identifying strategic locations to contain, collect, divert and/or recover oil – In waterway, intercepting oil flowing downstream, considering deploying furthest down-stream strategy location first, then continue upstream towards spill source – ID response resources to be deployed in 6, 12, & 24 hours 8
Describing/Mapping Resources at Risk Habitat and shoreline types Presence of listed species Presence of aquatic species Presence of terrestrial animal and plant resources Presence of migratory and resident bird and mammal migration routes; and population concentration areas by season 9
Resources at Risk Continued… Presence of commercial and recreational fisheries including aquaculture facilities Public parks, marinas Industrial and drinking water intakes, power plants, salt pond intakes Areas of known historical and archeological sites Areas of cultural or economic significance to Native Americans 10
On-Line Tools CNDDB ERMA CDFW-BIOS CDFW – Ca. Wildlife Habitat Relationship dbase USFWS Ipac USFWS National Wetlands Mapper ESI Maps 14
Questions??? 15