Year 11 Revision Skills Evening Welcome to all parents and students “It’s the final countdown…!”
Learning to revise… Revision
The pressure of exams… VRHVRH
What’s in it for me … ? What’s in it for me? Risk/Effort may lead to failure…or embarrassmen t Pay off gives you success, freedom and choices JCPJCP
For those willing to take the “risk” or make the “effort”, what is the best way to revise? There is no one way to revise What is clear is that everyone needs to revise to achieve their full potential Every learner needs to find a method or methods of study that will best suit them Tonight we are going to look at lots of different methods to revise What about revision and memory? JCPJCP
A fading memory? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Information retained Time elapsed since learning 24hr s VRHVRH
How do you improve your memory? There are six keys to improving our memories: Outstanding Funny Personal Emotional Linked to our senses The first and last thing that we learn in revision VRHVRH
Revision Mission Tonight’s Revision Mission Everyone’s favourite… Pre-1914 poetry for GCSE English Literature! VRHVRH
Revision technique – we remember… 5% of what we hear 10% of what we see 20% of what we discuss 50% by doing 90% by explaining to others… VRHVRH
Revision technique – simplifying The Song of the Old Mother Every day I do household jobs from early in the morning till late at night whilst my children stay in bed dreaming of pleasant things. Even when they are awake they are idle and only worry if the wind messes up their hair. I on the other hand have to work because I am no longer young. Rewrite in your own words JCPJCP
Revision technique – simplifying The Song of the Old Mother I rise in the dawn, and fire flicker and glow; Andscrub and bake stars And young lie long and dream ribbons, And idleness, And sigh if the wind but lift a tress: While I must work And Rub out VRHVRH
Revision technique – highlight The Song of the Old Mother I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow Till the seed of the fire flicker and glow; And then must I scrub and bake and sweep Till stars are beginning to blink and peep; And the young lie long and dream in their bed Of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head, And their day goes over in idleness, And they sigh if the wind but lift a tress: While I must work because I am old, And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold. Highlight key words Rhyming Couplets Repetition JCPJCP
Revision technique – bullet point Old Mother works hard morning to night The Young idle in bed dreaming Poem made up of rhyming couplets Repetition of the word “and” emphasises the list of chores the old Mother has to do Language is simple with lots of monosyllabic words, this combined with the rhyme creates a “song like” rhythm which reinforces the Old Mother’s constant work Fire is used as an image to represent ageing Bullet point the main ideas VRHVRH
Revision technique – flash cards Create key questions and the right answers How is fire used as a metaphor in The Song of the Old Mother? Fire is used at the beginning and at the end of the poem as a metaphor for ageing. At the beginning of the poem “…the fire flicker and glow;” this image suggests the vitality at the beginning of life. Whereas at the end of the poem “…the fire gets feeble and cold.” as this reflects the ageing of the Old Mother. Front Back JCPJCP
Revision technique – Mind pegs VRHVRH
Revision technique – Mnemonics = Richard of York gave battle in Vain Create a phrase to remember information Theme Language Structure Teddies Love Sweets Thugs Like Smashing faces Thoroughly Loathe Shakespeare JCPJCP
Revision technique – Mnemonics Theme Motherhood Ageing Language Repeated “and” Monosyllabic words Structure Rhyming couplets Punctuation – one long sentence The Song of the Old Mother I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow Till the seed of the fire flicker and glow; And then must I scrub and bake and sweep Till stars are beginning to blink and peep; And the young lie long and dream in their bed Of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head, And their day goes over in idleness, And they sigh if the wind but lift a tress: While I must work because I am old, And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold. The poem reduces to… JCPJCP
Revision technique – past papers Practice makes perfect! Exam technique is as important as knowing the information Read the instructions Be aware of the marks given for questions VRHVRH
Revision technique – using technology Bitesize Sam learning JCPJCP
Revision technique – Mind map VRHVRH
Mind map – The Song of the Old Mother Theme Language Structure Ageing Parent/Child relationships And, And, And, And, And… Rhyming couplets One long sentence Simple words VRHVRH
What next… The last day of school for Year 11 is 12 th May Final assembly Home to get ready for the Prom! Exams start from 16 h May Key revision sessions and many lessons will continue over the exam period And finally…results day is Thursday 25 th August from 10am in the school gym JCPJCP