National dialogue for the elaboration of a social protection strategy in Myanmar March 24 th -26 th, 2014 Nay Pyi Taw Workshop on the social protection assessment matrix
Session 3: Social security, social protection floors, social protection systems
Key questions What is social security? What is social protection? What are the different types of social transfers? What are the international standards to realize the right to social security? What are the two dimensions of social security extension? What are nationally defined social protection floors?
People face contingencies during their life-cycle, which have financial consequences Social security is provided to members of a society against the economic and social distress caused by such contingencies What is social security? Life- cycle Work injury Maternity Unemployment Invalidity Families with children Sickness Medical care Old ageDeath of the breadwinner
To compensate for the loss of income and cover health care expenditures To facilitate access to social services and fulfill basic needs Financial supportAccess to services Protection provided by society Social transfers What is social security?
For a long time, social security was limited to public, contributory, mandatory social insurance schemes In this context, social protection was viewed as a broader term, including mechanisms that could reach out to those not covered, or incapable of being covered easily by social security More recently there is an increasing recognition that social protection and social security belong to the same social policy concept (Hagemejer and McKinnon, 2013) and should be part of national systems of social protection What is social protection?
Types of social transfers Social transfers Contributory Non- contributory CompulsoryVoluntaryTargetedNon-targeted Social insurance Subsidized social insurance Social insurance to informal sector Some microinsurance Targeted social assistance Universal schemes
Social security is a human right Universal declaration of human rights, 1948: social security is a human right ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) : flagship Convention on social security ILO Recommendation on nationally defined social protection floors, 2012 (No. 202): reaffirms the universal right to social security Video by Youth for Human Rights International
International standards ILO sets standards that lay down obligations and guidelines for ILO member States Standards are of two types: Conventions and Recommendations They help in drafting laws and regulations, designing and implementing social security systems
Convention No. 102 covers all 9 contingencies ILO’s standards C 130C 168 C 128 C 121 C 183 C 128 C 130 Life- cycle Work injury Maternity Unemployment Invalidity Families with children Sickness Medical care Old ageDeath of the breadwinner
Two dimensions of social security Population Level of protection Poor Rest of informal sectorFormal sector For a long time, social security was contributory and mainly adapted to the formal sector Assumption that informal sector would progressively shrink and come under social security coverage - this did not happen ???
In Asia, formal sector workers have access to social protection Some programmes target the poorest, leaving the rest of the informal sector uncovered Existing universal schemes (e.g. UCS, old-age pensions in Thailand) Two dimensions of social security Rest of informal sectorFormal sector Level of protection Population ?? Poor
Two dimensions of social security Discussion on social security in ILC 2001 led to a new consensus: priority to be given to the extension of coverage, exploring strategies like adapted social insurance, microinsurance, social assistance Poor Rest of informal sectorFormal sector Level of protection Population
Social protection floor All residents should enjoy at least a minimum level of social security Member states of the ILO should establish SPFs as a fundamental element of their social security systems Poor Rest of informal sectorFormal sector Level of protection Population Nationally defined SPF
Social protection floor Based on this floor, extend social security to provide progressively higher levels of SP benefits to more people Poor Rest of informal sectorFormal sector Level of protection Population Nationally defined SPF Higher levels of social security to more people
Two dimensions of social security You have 15 minutes Rest of informal sectorFormal sector Level of protection Population Poor What does it look like in Myanmar?
Civil servants have access to a pension scheme; Two dimensions of social security in Myanmar Rest of theFormal sector Level of protection Population Poor Some formal private sector workers have access to the Social Security Schemes (medical care, sickness, maternity, work injury); Some programmes target some vulnerable categories of the population. Some emergency relief programmes run by development partners target the poor.
All residents have access to essential health care, including maternity care All children enjoy basic income security, providing access to nutrition, education, care, and any other necessary goods and services All persons in active age who cannot earn sufficient income, enjoy basic income security, particularly in cases of sickness, unemployment, maternity, disability All older persons have basic income security Social protection floors Four basic guarantees:
Social protection floors A life-cycle approach Because social protection is a life-long necessitysocial protection is a life-long necessity
International Labour Organization UNIVERSALITY Universal coverage of residents by comprehensive social security NON- DISCRIMINATION Implementation based on equal treatment (and gender equality) Responsiveness to special needs Social inclusion, including of persons in the informal economy TRANSPARENCY Accountable and sound financial management, administration RIGHTS AND DIGNITY Respect for rights and dignity of people Full respect for collective bargaining and freedom of association for workers SUSTAINABILITY Financial, fiscal and economic sustainability with due regard to social justice and equity DELIVERY High-quality public services that enhance the delivery of social security systems EVALUATION Regular monitoring of implementation, and periodic evaluation Social protection floors Principles in Recommendation No. 202
Social protection floors SPFs are defined nationally, depending on the context No ‘one size fits all’ approach in designing and implementing SPFs Each country decides on targeted vs. universal schemes, contributory vs. non-contributory schemes, a combination of those
SPF endorsed globally ed_norm/--- relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_ pdf ILO’s Recommendation on Social Protection Floors, 2012 (No. 202) was endorsed by 185 member States in June 2012 with 456 ‘yes’ votes and 1 ‘not present’ Recommendation No. 202 guides member States on establishing and maintaining nationally defined SPFs
SPF adopted in Asia The 15th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Dec 2011, prioritizes “reducing poverty and wide inequalities in income and wealth” and “building effective social protection floors in line with national circumstances” ASEAN member States adopted the Declaration on strengthening social protection, Sep 2013
SPF adopted nationally in the ASEAN The National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable. Final assessment based national dialogue on social protection report endorsed.