PBL problem based and project based learning Anette Kolmos UCPBL Aalborg University http://www.plan.auc.dk/~ak
Learning principles Problem based Contextual learning Participant directed Group based learning Experience based learning Activity based learning Theory-practice relation Interdisciplinary learning Exemplary learning
model Objectives and competencies Assessment Selection of content Methods
model Goals and competencies Assessment Selection of content Methods Teacher Organisation and culture Assessment Selection of content Frame: Space, resources Students Methods
”Aalborg model” Problems – question – wondering within a frame a project each semester (1. year) each group has a group room group size of 6-8 students first year, 2-3 students the last year each group has at least one supervisor self selected group and projects within themes and disciplines group examination
Study courses and Lectures - 7,5 ECTS Project courses lectures seminar Examination 50% Project – 15 ECTS 50% Examination
Ugeskema for projektarbejde Skema for semester kurser projekt
PBL - á la Maastricht Thematic blocks group based based on case studies interdisciplinary individual examination
Seven jumps (1) clarifying terms and concepts not readily understood; (2) defining the problem; (3) analysing the problem; (4) summarising the various explanations of the problem into a coherent model; (5) formulating learning objectives; (6) individual study activities outside the group; and (7) report and synthesize the newly acquired information
What is a theme? A framework for teaching and learning broad definition: an area where technological delvelopment and human, social economic and political development are explicitly linked and mutually interact
Methodological themes Specification of the overall engineering methods/discplines to be applied - but not specification of the area of specific engineering, to which the method should be applied. It must a be possibility to allow a broad range of different areas, e.g.: modelling of dynamic systems design of engineering constructions
Problem-oriented themes Concentrating on issues which are common to all engineering areas, e.g: working environment, natural resource consumption pollution
Phases of the project Initiating problem Problem analysis Task formulation Project delimitation Solution Discussion/conclusion Implementation Reporting
knowledge gaps ? analysis project project Tradtional teaching ????? memorising The one who understands do not need memorising?
Variation in the way of organizing project work size length where in the educational progression size of the groups types of projects resources
Assessment - practice Peer group Project group Supervisor and ekternal ex.
Themes for discussion Does PBL improve the working conditions? Do staff need training to be a supervisor? What about students’ co-operation? Can students be marked individually in a group examination? What about the supervisor’s role as facilitator and as well examiner