“Macbeth” Act 3
Act 3 Roles Macbeth ClaytonLady Macbeth Haley Lennox Eric Ross Jacob Murderer Drew Lords Gabe First WitchHecate Lennox Lord
Comprehension questions Scene 1 Macbeth invites Banquo to a banquet that night but asks Banquo three questions. What are they and why do you think he asks him these questions? Why is Macbeth angry in this soliloquy? What plans are made and is Lady Macbeth in on them? Scene 2 What is Lady Macbeth’s concern? What is Macbeth’s response to this? How has Macbeth been sleeping? Who is Macbeth jealous of and what does he wish? Scene 3 What happens? This is a turning point in the story. What have been Macbeth’s good fortunes so far?
Scene 4 What is happening at the beginning of this scene? What news does Macbeth get and how do you think he reacts to it? Who is the serpent and who is the worm? Who enters next? According to line 52, what is this person doing? At the end of the scene, what does Macbeth plan to do? Who seems more forceful and ambitious – Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Why? Has there been a change in either character? Explain. Scene 6 Lennox is speaking sarcastically. Whom does he suspect of Duncan and Banquo’s murders? Where is Macduff and why? Do a plot summary for Act III.
Act 3 Analysis Act 3 deals with the repercussions of power. How is Macbeth dealing with his newfound power? Explain. How is Lady Macbeth dealing with power? Explain. How are the lords around Macbeth reacting to Macbeth being king? How do you think this will play out in the next act? Why?
Movie Analysis & Compare/Contrast How does the movie depict Macbeth’s rule? What parallels are they drawing? How is Macbeth acting throughout? Is this how you imagined it from the play? How is Lady Macbeth acting? How has she changed? Compare/contrast Scene 3, the murder Compare/Contrast the dinner scene What is the significance of the witches’ presence? And how does Macbeth react?