Case 1 12120002 권 O 범 M/44 adm.20100906 C.C) for evaluation of recurrent HCC & TACE #2 P.I) DM, HTN 있고, 2010.05.26 SAH d/t aneurysmal rupture (Rt. ACOM)


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Presentation transcript:

Case 권 O 범 M/44 adm C.C) for evaluation of recurrent HCC & TACE #2 P.I) DM, HTN 있고, SAH d/t aneurysmal rupture (Rt. ACOM) 로 본원 NS 에서 op 받은 후, 당시 abd. distension 으로 검사하여 B-viral LC & HCC 진단받고 에 TACE #1 받음 f/u liver CT 에서 Lt. lat. Segment 에 well difined HCC or dysplastic nodule 소견으 로 evaluation 및 TACE #2 위해 입원. PMHx) DM / HTN / TB / hepatitis (+/+/+/+) OpHx) (+) : s/p neck clipping d/t aneurysmal rupture (10.5 월 ) PHx) alcohol(+) : daily 소주 1-7 병 smoking(-): 월부터 quit. 과거 50 갑년 FHx) (-) Drug Hx) Entecavir 0.5mg 복용 중 (10.7 월부터 )

2 CBC/DC WBC(mm 3 )4540 Hb(g/dl)10.9 PLT(mm 3 )98k PT(sec)14.3 INR1.11 Lab Findings Tumor marker AFP27.26 ng/mL Chemistry TB/DB(mg/dL)0.70/0.34 AST/ALT(IU/L)43/45 ALP/rGT(IU/L)76/373 Prot/Alb(g/dL)7.2/3.8 BUN/Cr(mg/dL)12/0.5 Viral marker HBs Ag(+) Anti HBs Ab(-) HBeAg(+) Anti HBe Ab(-) HBV Real time PCR 26,616 copies /ml Anti- HCV Ab(-) LC & Stage Child-PughA (5) MELD score-0.38 LCSGJStage III(T3N0M0) JIS score2 Distant mets.None

Clinical Course B-viral LC Dx TACE # Liver MRI, CT HCC in S2,3,5,8 Child A Liver CT well defined HCC or dysplastic nodule in Lt. lat. segment HCC Dx Liver MRI dysplastic nodule in S2,7

Clinical Course HCC TACE # Liver MRI dysplastic nodule in S2,7

Case 이 O 순 M / 65 adm C.C) for TACE P.I) HTN, hyperlipidemia 로 본원 IC f/u 하던자로 월 B-viral LC & HCC 로 TACE #1 후, f/u liver MRI 에서 segment 5,8 에 HCC 소견 있어 TACE #2 위해 adm. PMHx) DM / HTN / TB / hepatitis (-/+/-/-) OpHx) (-) PHx) alcohol(-) 과거 daily 소주 ½-1 병 30 여년 smoking(-) FHx) none

WBC(mm 3 )5200 Hb(g/dl)13.1 PLT(mm 3 )179k PT(sec)14.9 INR1.17 Lab Findings Tumor marker AFP2.87 ng/mL Chemistry TB/DB(mg/dL)0.75/0.28 AST/ALT(IU/L)43/17 ALP/rGT(IU/L)17/83 Prot/Alb(g/dL)7.3/3.1 BUN/Cr(mg/dL)16/0.6 LC & Stage Child-PughA (5) MELD score8.76 LCSGJStage I (T1N0M0) JIS score0 Distant mets.None Viral marker HBs Ag(+) Anti HBs Ab(-) HBeAg(-) Anti HBe Ab(+) HBV Real time PCR <116copies /ml Anti- HCV Ab(-)

Clinical Course TACE #2 HCC Dx TACE # ~04 Liver CT, MRI HCC at S ~ Liver CT: Confluent fibrosis in right PS segment Liver CT: R/O HCC at right PS segment Liver MRI: No definite HCC Liver CT: No evidence of HCC Liver CT: Suggestive of 2 dysplastic nodules at right lobe Liver MRI: HCC at S5, 8 B-viral LC Dx. Child A

Clinical Course TACE #2 HCC Dx. TACE #1 B-viral LC Dx Liver CT, MRI HCC at S5, 8