MTR Meeting Domenico Cotroneo University of Naples Federico II Naples, 20th December 2011
B UDGET V ARIATIONS [1] 1.Scientific 2.Transfer of Knowledge &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact ::.. Summary
[2] The CRITICAL STEP project aims at establishing the basis for a long term strategic research collaboration between partners involved in this project in the growing and challenging domain of software for large-scale Safety-Critical Systems (SCSs) based on the use of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) software components for the control of complex distributed infrastructures such as Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems, complex industrial plants, etc. Scientific objectives: 1)to study the dependability of OTS based SCSs through dependability measures and risk assessment both at the component and system level once OTS candidates are integrated; 2)to study and evaluate robustness of OTS components, through different fault-injection techniques in order to measure the robustness failure rate, i.e. how they behave under faulty conditions and how they interact with other components in the target execution environment; 3)using the results of the previous analyses, to study and develop techniques for on-line monitoring and on-line diagnosis of fault occurrence in the operational phase of a SCS. ::.. Scientific Goals (1/2) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[3] Long-term strategic business objectives and challenges: 1)develop industrial strategies and marketable tools (e.g. fault-injection and quantitative analyses) for evaluating the robustness and dependability level of OTS components in SCSs, thus making more effective the processes of OTS selection/integration into a complex system; 2)develop appropriate techniques/mechanisms and tools for on-line monitoring, diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration of SCSs, thus assuring a defined and standardized safety level during the SCSs’ operational phase; 3)develop highly competitive, dependable, robust and certifiable safety critical software systems for both public and private end-users in Europe as well as other ::.. Scientific Goals (2/2) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[4] ::.. WP structure of CSTEP 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[5] ::.. Progress w.r.t of WPs (1/2). We concluded WP2 leaded by CSW in January 2011 with the Milestone M4 ONGOING leaded by FCTUC ONGOING leaded by CINI Started in November 2011 leaded by SESM 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
B UDGET V ARIATIONS [6] 1.Scientific 2.Transfer of Knowledge &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[7] 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact ::.. The Team ToK II Leaders New entries for 2012 Involved PhDs Management Support ToK I Leaders Recruited Researchers
[8] ::.. ToK Plan Variations - SESM Original ToK Plan Deviations in the ToK Plan (highlighted in yellow) Main changes: SESM has included an ER instead of an ESR. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[9] ::.. ToK Plan Variations - CINI Original ToK Plan Deviations in the ToK Plan (highlighted in yellow). Problem: Catello di Martino (ESR) from CINI decided to leave the project due to personal issues. Solution: Di Martino was substituted by Anna LANZARO (ESR) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[10] ::.. ToK Plan Variations - FCUTC Original ToK Plan Deviations in the ToK Plan (highlighted in yellow) Problem: FCTUC could not find a single person to cover long secondments within the TOK cycles. Solution: the long secondment of FCTUC has been split in shorter periods involving ER and VER to perform the planned secondments/activities. Main changes: FCTUC involved more experienced researchers than what planned. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[11] ::.. ToK Plan Variations - CSW Original ToK Plan Deviations in the ToK Plan (highlighted in yellow) Main changes: Only rescheduling considering researchers’ work activities. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[12] N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. ToK Plan Variations - Recruitment Original ToK Plan Deviations in the ToK Plan (highlighted in yellow) Delay in starting the recruitment due to long process for the selection of the researchers. The activities planned to be performed by recruited researchers was not affected by such delays, and did not have any impact in the progress of the project.
[13] ::.. Recruitment..from March 2010 to May 2010 CSW received 5 CVs and recruited two ERs: As’ad Salkham (CSW01); Marcin Karpinsky (CSW02), decided to leave the project due to personal reasons. SESM received 7CVs and recruited one ER as planned Przemyslaw Osocha (SESM01) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
::.. Recruitment – CSW 2 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact 12 months of RER are still to be performed at CSW CSW started the recruitment process again (Nuno Silva + CSW HR department) The process was started in July/August 2011 By November 2011 a decision was made: Maksym Bortin was selected PhD thesis 'An Approach to the Extension of a Theorem Prover by Advanced Structuring Mechanisms' at the department of mathematics and computer science of the University of Bremen
::.. Recruitment – CSW 2 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact Main resources used to post the position: Main Results: 12 CVs received 4 candidates selected for interview 8 candidates could not apply due to EC rules
::.. Recruitment – CSW 2 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact Results from interviewed candidates: Adnan Muhammad (not selected) Dawood Khan (selected, refused the offer $) Erik Vladimir (selected, refused the offer $) Maksym Bortin (selected, accepted the offer) Is currently taking care of the VISA issues (he’s from Ukraine) – Contract has been signed Main Lessons Learned: Very few available candidates (12), most of then would not comply with all the EC rules PhD get much better offer from other industry at this moment (2 candidates refused because they had a significant better offer from UK)
::.. Recruitment – CSW 2 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact Main Lessons Learned (2): The process is quite time consuming and costly (CSW HR department spend some time in support Nuno Silva to prepare the offer, define where to post, pay for posting in sites such as – about 100€/month, prepare the interviews, very difficult contact with some candidates). The EC rules are quite strict, several candidates have not been considered because they didn’t have the degree (only some work experience that would hardly be equivalent) or in 3 cases had been working in Portugal. Competitiveness of the value of the MC funds seems not able to compete with some industry that looks for the same type or researchers.
B UDGET V ARIATIONS [18] 1.Scientific 2.Transfer of Knowledge &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[19] ::.. WP1 – Project Management (1/4) Start Date1 End Date48 Lead BeneficiaryCINI Partners involvedAll Deliverables Submitted (M1 to M24) Continuous TOK plan (delivered on 30th March 2010)D1.1 Dissemination Plan (delivered on 4th June 2010)D1.2 CRITICAL STEP web Site (delivered on 31st March 2010)D1.3 Recruited Researchers(delivered on 7th June 2010)D1.6 TOK and staff exchange plans finalized (delivered on 30th July 2010) D1.7 Preliminary roadmap for collaboration and R&D (planned to be delivered on 30th November 2010); D1.8 Milestones AchievedM0 – M1 – M2 – M3 –M5 – M6 Active DelaysNone 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[20] ::.. WP1 – Project Management (2/4) TASKACTIVITIES Task Scientific Management and Coordination Ongoing coordination of the project. Task Continuous TOK and Dissemination Ongoing identification of the industrial research projects, topics and case histories to be used for TOK activities integration and supervision of the newly recruited staff; detailed planning of staff secondments; reintegration of the returning seconded staff; preparation of the dissemination activities. DELIVERABLE RELEASED: D1.1 Continuous TOK plan, D1.2 Dissemination Plan, D1.3 CRITICAL STEP web Site Task Recruitment and competence analysis Ongoing identification of the topics and real case; integration and supervision of the newly recruited staff; detailed planning of staff secondments; reintegration of the returning seconded staff; preparation of the dissemination activities. DELIVERABLE RELEASED: D1.6 Researchers recruited, D1.7 TOK and staff exchange plans finalized 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[21] ::.. WP1 – Project Management (3/4) TASKACTIVITIES Task Roadmap for future collaboration and R&D Ongoing Definition of the roadmap for future collaboration; identification of the foresee commercially exploitable applications from project accomplishment. DELIVERABLE RELEASED: D1.8 Preliminary roadmap for collaboration and R&D Task Financial and Administrative Management Ongoing preparing the financial reporting towards the EC and monitoring and sharing the EC contributions between partners. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[22] ::.. WP1 – Project Management (4/4) Detailed description of work performed Definition of the Management entities, such as Project Management Board or Task Leaders per each WP, as described in the DoW; Definition of the researchers composing the two ToK teams; Development of the project web site; Application of planned contingency plans to tolerate potential issues for the project, i.e., leaving of a researcher; Identification of a suitable recruitment process and selection of the three RERs to be included in the two ToK teams; Scheduling of all the dissemination and ToK activities within the project implementation; Interactions with the EC officers, finalization of deliverables and EC reports. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[23] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (1/7) CSTEP calendar has been characterized by a reach program of several meetings involving CSTEP fellows and others researchers from industry and academia.. Type of eventAttendantsContent Technical meetingsCSTEP partners and involved researchers Exchange of information on CSTEP activities Transfer of knowledge events CSTEP partners and involved researchers lectures/seminars on a specific topic, related to the project International eventsPublic audienceDissemination of achieved results International workshopsPublic audienceOrganised in the contexts of International conferences, with the objective to foster an exchange of research ideas, results, experiences, and products in the area of CSTEP research topics. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[24] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (2/7) Technical Meetings Name of eventVenue and dateContent Kick Off MeetingCINI premises, Naples, 12/01/2010 setting up the project management procedures and for presenting an overview per each participant in terms of scientific and technological background TOK Meeting ICSW premises, Coimbra, 10/03/2010 preparing the first TOK cycle Technical meeting SESM premises, Naples, 14/04/2010 defining the topics of the interactions between universities and industries within the project Work MeetingCINI premises, Naples 27/07/2010 discussing on-going activities and how they map to project deliverables; TOK Meeting II25/01/2011 in Naplesaiming at exchanging knowledge on OTS Selection and evaluation methods for Safety Critical Systems Work Meeting19/07/2011 in Naplesdiscussing on the state of the deliverables to be finalized and some issues on TOK Plan TOK meeting III30/09/2011 in Coimbrabuilding synergies on fault identification, location and characterization. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[25] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (3/7) Transfer of Knowledge Events Name of eventVenue and dateContent Training MeetingCINI premises, Naples,12/10/2010highlighting all the management procedures to the project participants Training MeetingSESM premises, Naples, 13/10/2010a seminar on topics related to dependability Training MeetingSESM premises, Naples, 9/11/2010a seminar on topics related to testing Training DayFCTUC premises, 8/02/2011, Coimbraresearch experienced on fault injection Transfer of Knowledge CINI- SESM 4/05/2011 in Naplesexchanging research outcomes from on going activities Training event25/05/2011 in CoimbraTrainig on Standard ISO Tutorial prof. Verissimo 16/09/2011 in NaplesTutorial on Large scale complex Critical Infrastructures Tutorial prof. Trivedi 23/09/2011 in NaplesTutorial on modeling large complex critical systems All the materials prepared for the above TOK events is stored in the project website. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[26] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (4/7) International Events Name of eventVenue and date Eighth European Dependable Computing Conferencefrom 28th to 20th April 2010 in Valencia (Spain); The 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2010) from 28th June to 1st July 2010 in Chicago (USA) The 16th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC'10) from 13th to 15th December 2010, in Tokyo (Japan); The 21st annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, from 1st to 4th November 2010 in S. José (USA) 5 th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference (IAASS) from 17th to 19th October 2011 in Versailles (France) INFORUM 2011on 8th and 9th September 2011 in Coimbra (Portugal) ESTEC - Avionics Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS 2011) on 26th September 2011 in Noordwijk (Netherlands Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing Workshop (LADC) from 25th to 29th April 2011 in San Paolo (Brasil) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[27] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (5/7) International Workshops Workshop on Dependability and Certification from 28th to 29th September 2011 in Coimbra (Portugal), co-sponsorized by CSTEP and EVOLVE projects (EVOLVE is a EUREKA-ITEA2 project on Evolutionary Validation, Verification and Certification). This workshop held in Coimbra, where the attendees were not only limited to CSTEP participants, but also from other institutions, has been held by: 6 researchers from University of Minho, 2 researchers from the University of Beira Interior, one from Technical University of Lisbon and one from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal; 2 researchers from FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto and 3 from ISEP – Instituto Seperior de Engenharia do Porto in Portugal; 1 researcher from NASA and 2 researchers from ESA; 1 researcher from Living PlanIT in UK. For a total of 70 attendees. The success of such a meeting has been documented by SIC (i.e., Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, the third terrestrial television station in Portugal) Notícias that reported about the workshop. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[28] 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[29] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (6/7) Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCER) on 30th November 2011 in Hiroshima (Japan), co- sponsorized by CSTEP and DOTS-LCCI projects (DOTS-LCCI is a project funded by the Italian Minister of University and Research for investigating on Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructures). This workshop has been organized in the context of the “The 22nd annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering” ( The objective of the workshop is to provide a meeting for discussing the state of the art in Software Certification research in several domains of critical systems development, such as avionics, space, railway, automotive, nuclear, healthcare. All the material presented at these meetings is available on the web site of the project (within the public section titled "Meeting documents"). 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[30] 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[31] 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[32] ::.. Training, Meetings and Events (7/7) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[33] ::.. Publications (1/2) A series of publications has been presented at interational venues and supported by CSTEP project. The researchers have been involved in the prepation of the pubblications. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[34] ::.. Publications (2/2) Several publications have been presented at international venues, classified as Scientific Conferences/Workshops, Technical Conferences and Industrial Tracks at Scientific Conferences. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[36] ::.. WP2 – Qualitative Evaluation… (1/3) Start Date4 End Date13 Lead BeneficiaryCSW Partners involvedAll Deliverables Submitted (M1 to M12) Requirements for OTS items evaluation (delivered on 27th August 2010) D2.1 Progress report and theoretical framework on OTS items classification and selection (delivered on 2nd September 2010) D2.2 Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase (delivered on 9th February 2011) D2.3 Milestones AchievedM4 Active DelaysNone 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[37] ::.. WP2 – Qualitative Evaluation… (2/3) TASKACTIVITIES Task Criteria for quantitative evaluation Concluded definition of some quality metrics, methods and tools, which take properly into account safety and dependability concerns as well as to develop FMEA nested tables based on system architectures; Identification of real world systems and application requirements. DELIVERABLES RELEASED: D2.1 Requirements for OTS items evaluation, D 2.2 Progress report and theoretical framework on OTS items classification and selection Task OTS items classification and selection Concluded identification of parameters and metrics for OTS classifications; definition of guidelines for OTS selection basing on the metrics and the criteria defined in the previous task. DELIVERABLES RELEASED: D2.3 Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[38] ::.. WP2 – Qualitative Evaluation… (3/3) Detailed description of work performed Investigation of the designed criteria for the evaluation of OTS items to be used in LCCIs; Study of the state of the art about OTS selection and classification processes; Realization of a sort of guideline for researchers and practitioners in the field of software systems design and development for LCCIs, as well as for SCSs. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[39] ::.. WP3 – Quantitative Evaluation… (1/3) Start Date9 End Date27 Lead BeneficiaryFCTUC Partners involvedAll Deliverables Submitted (M1 to M12) Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components (postponed to be delivered on 30th November 2010) D3.1 Milestones Achieved Active DelaysNone 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[40] ::.. WP3 – Quantitative Evaluation… (2/3) TASKACTIVITIES Task Quantitative evaluation at the component level Concluded techniques of selecting the optimal OTS components, according to the specified criteria. DELIVERABLES RELEASED: D3.1 Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Task Quantitative evaluation at the system level Ongoing development of evaluation techniques, even adapting and enhancing existing ones, that scale up to complex systems, mainly by means if experimental campaigns; Design of FFDA strategies and methods suitable for the class of complex OTS based LCCIs Definition of fault injection campaigns will be the way of achieving field data. Task Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Ongoing dependability evaluation at system interconnection level, both in terms of multiprocessor and parallel architectures and of system interconnection on wide areas; software fault injection in complex software systems running on multiprocessor architectures; evaluating the robustness level of these interconnection means, even in presence of malicious faults. To this aim, dependability benchmarking will be developed, along with fault injection campaigns as a support for robustness evaluation. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[41] ::.. WP3 – Quantitative Evaluation… (3/3) Detailed description of work performed Investigation of all the quantitative evaluation methods which have been proposed over the year; Definition of a suitable solution to be used for estimating the dependability level of single OTS items, as well as of the entire software systems; Adapting and enhancing existing methods that scale up to complex systems, mainly by means if experimental campaigns. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[42] ::.. WP4 –Diagnosis and Reconf. (1/3) Start Date11 End Date28 Lead BeneficiaryCINI Partners involvedAll Deliverables Submitted (M1 to M12) State ‐ of ‐ the ‐ art on fault diagnosis mechanism (planned to be delivered on 30th November 2010) D4.1 Milestones Achieved Active DelaysNone 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[43] ::.. WP4 –Diagnosis and Reconf. (2/3) TASKACTIVITIES Task Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Select: Concluded definition of a novel architecture for a system in charge of diagnosing software faults in complex systems, encompassing both detection and location modules. DELIVERABLE RELEASED: D4.1 State ‐ of ‐ the ‐ art on fault diagnosis mechanism Task Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Select: Ongoing definition of recovery actions suitable for complex systems, as well as a “dictionary” in which recovery actions are linked to systems failure modes; use of severity and efficiency as evaluation metrics for the performed recovery / reconfiguration actions. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[44] ::.. WP4 –Diagnosis and Reconf. (3/3) Detailed description of work performed Study of the state of the art on software faults diagnosis; Design and Implementation of a diagnosis system able to learn over time, i.e., during the system operational phase, and based on machine learning approaches. Insertion of feedback actions into the diagnosis process, aiming to improve system performances. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[45] ::.. WP5 – Prototype Tools Design (1/3) Start Date24 End Date32 Lead BeneficiarySESM Partners involvedAll Deliverables Submitted (M1 to M24) Not yet Deliverables to be Submitted (M1 to M24) Requirements report for tool development (planned to be finalized on 31 st December 2011) D5.1 Milestones AchievedNone Active DelaysNone 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[46] ::.. WP5 – Prototype Tools Design (2/3) TASKACTIVITIES Task Design and development of tools for evaluation of Dependability and Robustness Ongoing design of software support tools for dependability evaluations based on the outcomes of WP3 and WP4; incremental implementation of tool prototypes, following and adapting (if necessary) design guidelines; investigation of partial re-use of state ‐ of ‐ art libraries and tools for robustness and dependability evaluation, and integration of development tools into existing IDEs. Task Definition of experimental scenarios To start definition of experimental scenarios, which are close to real world environments; Characterization of a test campaign baseline to be instantiated in different operational scenarios as provided by the industrial partners.. Task Integration and testingTo start definition of the test plan and execution of tests on implemented tool prototypes. Task ValidationTo start development of a functional validation of all the proposed results in a real context. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[47] ::.. WP5 – Prototype Tools Design (3/3) Detailed description of work performed This WP started last month – researchers are currently involved in studying system requirements coming from real world case studies, mainly in the field of airport and air traffic control systems. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
::.. Progress w.r.t. WP (2/2) 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[49] ::.. Financial Situation (1/5) So far, we have received the Pre-financing, which consisted of the 65% of EC Contribution: € ,65. With such amount of money we have covered the expenses in the first year, i.e., € ,03, so partitioned among the partners: CINI € ,10; FCTUC € ,60; SESM € ,30; CSW € ,03. The remaining € ,62 has covered a part of the expenses on the second year, and have been distributed as follows: CINI € ,88; FCTUC € ,19; SESM € ,37; CSW € ,18. 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
B UDGET V ARIATIONS [50] CSTEP has financed the acquisition of some material useful for the conduction of the research on the given topic. Within the context of the activity on Fault Injection on Multicore Architectures, CSTEP financed the purchase of RTOS Vxworks, Intel Core i7 and the debugger box that allows injecting faults into the i7; CSTEP also financed the purchase of specification documents of several standards. ::.. Financial Situation (2/5) Purchase of Materials 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[51] ::.. Financial Situation (3/5) Budget according to the Consortium Agreement Budget according to the current version of the ToK Plan 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[52] ::.. Financial Situation (4/5) Budget according to the Consortium Agreement Budget according to the current version of the ToK Plan NOTE: CSTEP is in line with respect to the planned budget 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[53] ::.. Financial Situation (5/5) Budget distribution until the end of the second year NOTE: No Certification of Financial Statements (CFS) is requested in this reporting period 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[54] ::.. IPR Management… AGREEMENT AMONG THE PARTNERS (described in CA) BACKGROUND - Availability to access any background of other partners needed for carrying out project activities - respect each other’s IPR on all pre-existing items FOREGROUND for every result the right holder will be accurately identified Proprietary Rights achieved during the project-specific development work shall belong to the Party(ies) whose employee(s) /hosted researchers produced the results. in the case of collaborative work resulting in Joint Proprietary Rights, the ownership will be defined according to each Party contribution to the results eligible to intellectual property protection Access rights to backgroundAccess rights to foreground For carrying out CSTEP activitiesRoyalty-free For dissemination of CSTEP results Each Party retains the right to separately publish or allow the publishing of its own information making reference to the EC GA For use (further research, commercial purposes, etc.) TO BE FURTHER discussed once the CSTEP would have produced relevant results for IPR and the collaborative plan will be specified in D1.9 In D1.8 collaborative activities have been already described Results obtained so far in CSTEP have not produced any IPR issue PARTNERS will comply with the rules described in the Consortium Agreement 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
[55] 1.Scientific 2.Transfer of Knowledge &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact
Thank you for your attention 1.Scientific 2.ToK &Networking 3.Management 4.Impact