Produce or make art through individual elaboration, flexibility, fluency, knowledge, experience, originality, and/or personality. VPA01 - CREATION Diploma Plus Visual Arts Competency
Establish and develop aesthetic capability. VPA02 – AESTHETIC CAPABILITY Diploma Plus Visual Arts Competency
Analyze work to reveal its critical attributes. VPA03 – APPRECIATION Diploma Plus Visual Arts Competency
Linear Wire Sculpture - Project 1 You will create a contour drawing of something you find interesting enough to create a wire sculpture of it. You will use wire and wire tools to create your sculpture. Your final sculpture should look like your origional contour drawing.
Contour Drawing A contour drawing uses contour lines. Contour lines surround and define the edges of a subject, giving it shape and volume. Contour lines are not just the outlines of a subject.
Try creating a Blind Contour Drawing Do NOT look at your paper! Look at your hand that’s not drawing. Move your eyes along the edges of your hand. Draw what you see. Everywhere your eyes go, your pencil must also move.
Blind Contour Drawing of a Hand
Now, Create a Contour Drawing (not blind) Find something in the room to draw. You can draw your hand, your phone, a shoe, a person… or you can look in a book and find a photo of something to draw. Create a drawing that shows the edges of the object, as well as lines inside the object to show form. Contour drawings do not have a lot of details.
Artists who create Wire Contour Sculptures Naomi Grossman Corinne Okada
Your Goal Today: Create at least 3 different contour drawings. The more you practice drawing in this style, the easier it’ll be to create your wire sculpture.