마틴 퓨리어 (Martin Puryear) 어떤 공예의 전통속에도 예술이 존재한다고 생각한다. 공예는 의미를 전달하는 또 다른 방법이다. 나는 예술이란 결국 의도와 개인적인 재능의 문제라고 생각한다. 예술에서 착상은 수단이나 기술 그리고 기능에 우선한다. 착상은 반드시 수단과 기술을 초월해야 하는것이다. 나는 이점이 왜 공예를 예술로 승화시키기 어려운지, 그리고 왜 공예에서 예술성을 실현하기 힘든지에 대한 이유가 된다고 생각한다.
believer © museum of modern artmuseum of modern art
Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996 Ash and maple, 36’ x 22 ¾” x 3” width narrows to 1 ¼” at the top Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Gift of Ruth Carter Stevenson, by exchange © 2007 Martin Puryear. Photo by David Wharton
Published May 13, 2012 | Full size is 994 × 833 pixels994 × 833
Untitled-1997 Copper 65 x 54 1/2 x 48 1/2 inches (165.1 x x cm)
Lever #1, 1988–89. Red cedar. A James Speyer Memorial, UNR Industries in honor of James W. Alsdorf, and Barbara Neff Smith and Solomon Byron Smith funds,
Untitled, 1999 etching Image size: 17 3/4 x 24 inches Paper size: 27 x 32 inches Edition of 40 (Inventory #19135)
Untitled III (State 1), 2002 color spitbite aquatint with softground & chine colle 28 x 35 inches(71.1 x 89 cm)Edition of 25(Inventory #14360)
Desire, 1981, pine. red cedar, poplar, and sitka spruce 16 x 32'
Bearing Witness, 40 feet, bronze
Alien Huddle ( ), red cedar and pine, 53″ x 64″ x 53″; courtesy David McKee Gallery
Maquette of Untitled, 2011, stainless steel with stone base. Photo by Mary Hilliard, courtesy of the National Gallery of Art.
Plenty's Boast," , Red cedar and pine, 68 x 83 x 118 inches The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri Purchase: The Renee C. Crowell Trust, Courtesy Courtesy McKee Gallery, New YorkCourtesy McKee Gallery, New York
The Rest, Bronze. 47 × 35 × 20 inches. Edition of 2. ©Courtesy McKee Gallery, New York
Scrolling, Alaskan yellow cedar. 46 5/8 × 60 7/8 × 13”. ©Courtesy McKee Gallery, New York.
The Load, Wood, steel, glass. 91 × 185 × 74”. ©Courtesy McKee Gallery, New York
Hominid, Pine, 73 × 77 1/2 × 57”. Courtesy of McKee Gallery
Heaven Three Ways/ Exquisite Corpse,” White bronze, 78 1/4 × 35 1/4 × 18 1/2”, edition 1/1. Courtesy of McKee Gallery
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 1, wood, hardware, 1'9" x 1'6" x 1'6", 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 4, wood, wings, hardware, 4’2” x 9’ x 9’, 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 6, wood, aluminum, rope, rock, 7’3” x 5’4” x 2’, 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 9, wood, plywood, 3'8" x 2'10" x 11", 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 2, wood, 1’6” x 1’2” x 5”, 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 10, wood, 2 parts: 3' x 3' x 6" each, 2009
Saving Sculpture for Martin Puryear 11, wood, wax, plaster, sticks, 1'8" x 1'8" x 10", 2009
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