JASPERS Joint technical assistance for the programming, preparation, and appraisal of projects supported by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund ( ) January 2006 EIB's Perspective
Karl Jaspers
The EIB - the EU’s financing institution Created in 1958, Owned by the 25 EU Member States (subscribed capital EUR 160 bn.), Lending activities: EUR 45 bn. in over 140 countries, Long-term sound investment financing, and Support of EU policy objectives in and outside the European Union. EIB's priority support in the EU based on the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas: Economic and Social Cohesion in an enlarged EU; Development of TENs and their access network; Environmental Protection and Improvement; Implementing the Innovation 2010 Initiative (i2i); and SME Support. The EIB has a long-standing co-operation with the EU Member States, the EU Commission and other IFIs.
The EIB's Role in JASPERS In-house expertise: Sector specialists: >75 project engineers and economists; Financial engineering specialists: example PPP-Department; with worldwide experience of preparation and implementation of infrastructure projects at the disposal of JASPERS.
JASPERS – Organization The JASPERS Facility will be managed by the EIB The JASPERS Core Team co-ordinates the JASPERS activities from Luxemburg, amongst them: Director: Patrick Walsh (+352) Country Relationship Manager North: Ann-Louise Aktiv (+352) Sector Manager/Transport: Stephen Richards (+352) Sector Manager/Environment: Eckart Tronnier (+352) The JASPERS Core Team is separated from the EIB's normal lending activities but will draw on EIB expertise (e.g. sector specialists for infrequent type of projects, and PPPs). Most JASPERS staff, funded by the EU Commission, will work locally in regional offices. JASPERS's priorities and strategies will be defined in annual Action Plans - together with the EU Member States, DG-REGIO and the EBRD.