-1- USERS MEETINGS 2016 Financial Applications 1/6/2016
-2- New Features in Danaos Financial ApplicationsNew Features in Danaos Financial Applications 1 Customers’ ProposalsCustomers’ Proposals 2 Open DiscussionOpen Discussion 3 Today’s Agenda
-3- Budgeting Commitment Kit (Protocol) Income Expenses Marine Accounting & MIS Payments Overview: Overview: New features:
-4- Marine Accounting & MIS What’s new in Marine Accounting & MIS
-5- Prevent users from editing the same Journal Entry at the same time. This feature also applies to automatic procedures. Multi-editing Protection:
-6- Internal Matching: Serial No Advanced Search Features:
-7- Accounts Look Up: Ledger Code Advanced Search Features:
-8- Ability to copy on clipboard information from Danaos Reports, after clicking on it. Journal Entries Report: Ability to Add/Remove Attachments from Finalized entries, based on task assignment. New Features:
-9- Close Result Balances: Ability to close results on a specified day at the end of each month. A reversal entry is automatically created at the first day of the next month. New Utility:
-10- Optimization of Entries Log Report in order to extract data requested from auditors. Ability to retrieve results for a specific group and a managing company outside this group. Reporting:
-11- Option to retrieve Accounting Reports based on Alternative Company Groups. Reporting:
-12- Ability to right click on ledger row and: Copy/ Reverse Finalized Entries (also applicable in Entries Log and Journal Reports) Link (Open application from which entry was created) Ability to exclude systemic accrual entries from current report selection. Reporting – Ledger Cards:
-13- Bunkers Ledger Card: Bunker Reports: Provide information on bunker Price & Quantity. Bunkers Trial Balance: Reporting – New Reports:
-14- Financial Statements for Many Periods: Ability to break period into smaller intervals, displayed in different columns. Reporting – New Reports:
-15- Trial Balance Explorer: Facilitating Excel Export of the Report in Editable format. Reporting – New Reports:
-16- Automatic transfer of off-accounting entries to next open period, upon Month Finalisation. Modification of Income Expense details from Journal Entries report, regardless the entry status. Attach reports of Systemic Processes (Accruals, Realized/ Unrealized Exc Differences) to Journals as an HTML file, upon creation of Journal Entry. Marine Accounting Preferences:
-17- Ability to automatically download current rates from Exchange Rates:
-18- Payments What’s new in Payments
-19- Extra Filters: Serial No, Narrative Optimization of List of Payments Report:
-20- Ability to produce XML files, based on ISO 20022, for the implementation of Customer Credit Transfers (pain ). The XMLs are automatically uploaded on the banks’ secure FTP server, using web services. Payment Status Reports are available in Danaos, based on information received from the bank. DnB, Eurobank, PiraeusBank, AlphaBank, ABN, HSBC Interface with Banks:
-21- RBS Bankline Interface Entries created are automatically marked, by flagging the row of the supplier paid. Editing these flags is based on task assignment. Ability to automatically export CSV files upon approving / validating a payment. These files are manually uploaded on RBS Bankline platform. Interface with Banks:
-22- ABB (Aegean Baltic Bank) Interface Ability to automatically export protected TXT files Interface with Banks: Users send these files by to the bank, in order to proceed with the payment.
-23- The is sent via or Outlook. The body of the is user defined. New Utility that allows users to send notifications to creditors, informing them that their payment has been processed. Payment Notifications:
-24- Users can filter invoices that are “Marked to be paid” from Protocol Application. Interface with Protocol:
-25- Budgeting What’s new in Budgeting
-26- Allow users to easily and quickly upload their budget, using an Excel Template. Import Scenario from Excel:
-27- Commitment Kit (Protocol) What’s new in Commitment Kit (Protocol)
-28- New user friendly screen Enhanced search capabilities Easy link with Optimisation of Documents Entry Screen:
-29- Prevent users from working on the same case by Acknowledging it. Mark case as urgent. Mark case to be paid. Greek Supplier flag. Optimisation of Browse screen:
-30- Allow users to edit/ erase a comment, before distributing the case to another department. Comments are highlighted in red, in order to draw the attention of users. Optimisation of Comments/ Notes:
-31- Enable user to type personal notes, that are not depicted in the cases’ history. Optimisation of Comments/ Notes:
-32- Prevent users from distributing an invoice without an attachment, based on task assignment. New Features:
-33- Easily filter cases linked with other Danaos modules. Ability to link a case with: An existing accounting entry. Bunkering application. Link with Other Applications:
-34- Add “Order Reference”, in order to ensure correct linkage with supply case. Link with Supply:
-35- Allow users to compare Protocol to Supply Invoice amount, in order to ensure there is no difference. Link with Supply:
-36- Income Expenses What’s new in Income Expenses
-37- Aυτόματη εξαγωγή σε XML και φόρτωση στο gsis Συγκεντρωτική Κατάσταση Τιμολογίων Προμηθευτών/Πελατών – Εξαγωγή σε XML Νέα Εκτύπωση:
-38- Aναλυτική Κατάσταση Τιμολογίων Δυνατότητα αναζήτησης εγγραφών βάσει καρτέλας, στοιχείων Addresbook και ΑΦΜ. Νέα Εκτύπωση:
-39- Συγκεντρωτική Κατάσταση Εσόδων Εξόδων (Κατάσταση Δαπανών) Νέα Εκτύπωση:
-40- Customers’ Proposals
-41- Interface of Commitment Kit (Protocol) with more Danaos Applications: Port Expenses Operations Broker Invoices Crew Ticketing Customers’ Proposals:
-42- Ability to select Multiple groups / Reporting groups in Payments Reports. Current Group Selection: Future Group Selection: Customers’ Proposals:
-43- New Payments Report which will show Approval History. Δυνατότητα Εξαγωγής της Συγκεντρωτικής Κατάστασης Τιμολογίων Προμηθευτών/ Πελατών – XML σε ετήσια βάση. Νέα εκτύπωση για τα καταβληθέντα έξοδα λειτουργίας γραφείου και διαχείρισης πλοίων Customers’ Proposals:
-44- New Collaboration:
-45- Open Discussion
-46- On behalf of Finance Team