Becoming a Stewardship Promoter
Stewardship Promoters Why? What? Who? How?
Why? Treasurer / Gift Aid Secretary Accounts, Budget, Gift Aid admin etc. Giving, fundraising, legacies etc. Good Practice Provides point of contact Builds relationship
What? Four Key Tasks… Encourage preaching & teaching regularly about giving in the context of discipleship Link the giving with the mission and ministry that flows from it Organise an annual, personal ‘thank you’ to regular givers Organise some form of annual review of giving
Who? Enthusiastic/Motivating/Sensitive - not pressurising Confidential Prayerful, Creative, Understanding
How? Stewardship Promoter Workshop Monthly Stewardship Bi-annual resource pack Personal visit every 18 months or so
Bi-annual resource pack
Consider the questions posed on pages of 7 & 8 of the ‘Giving for Life’ booklet for PCC discussion and action
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Team-working: Working in a team with treasurer and gift aid secretary works best Support – shared wisdom, shared working gives clear overall picture Get the clergy on your side… if you can! Have support and encouragement from the clergy
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Approach: Do not be afraid of talking about money Parish Share – explain what it is, and what it pays for. Be or become aware of your congregation’s “felt” needs Giving is a response to God’s love; we do not give to pay the bills.
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Approach: Make sure givers are thanked for money and other gifts. Find out why people give, and why they don’t. Be sure that the message that you give is that we are giving to God “through the church” not just “for the church”
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Personal Style: Be open and not critical Be a good listener to INDIVIDUALS (everyone has their own worry, concern or difficulty.) Get to know your congregation – develop relationship with each person.
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Personal Style: Speak and listen with love and understanding. Be persistent, encouraging and positive. Be positive about “the meaning of giving” Keep reflecting on what/who God is asking us to be. Enjoy!
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Knowledge: Come on the Stewardship Promoter Workshop Become familiar with the Parish Resources Website Use the bi-annual resource pack and monthly update
Top Tips for Stewardship Promoters Expectations: It takes a long time to persuade people to change their ways/thinking, if they ever do. Do not expect immediate results, take time and persistence to change attitudes towards regular giving This is a great challenge, but with great rewards Don’t be surprised by the giving attitude of various people in the Church and thank everyone of them.
Possible Annual Timetable Jan – Magazine Article Mar – Prepare Annual Thank You Letter Apr – Issue Annual Thank You Letter May - Magazine Article Jul – Begin planning Annual Review Sept – Run Annual Review including clergy preaching on Giving Oct - announce results of annual review Nov – Will Aid (gentle push on legacies) Every 4 or 5 years run a Stewardship Programme Try to encourage clergy to preach on Giving as and when it arises in lectionary or sermon series
To sum up Take the heat of your Treasurer / Gift Aid Secretary / Parish Priest Resource the parish ministry of giving Release the gifts and skills of the right person to do this role.
Steps in giving Survival I give a bit when I’m asked because the church ought to be there in case I need it The need is survival and there’s a chance that the church might help. The relationship with the church is that I know it’s there if I need it - all being well, I won’t! Survival I give a bit when I’m asked because the church ought to be there in case I need it The need is survival and there’s a chance that the church might help. The relationship with the church is that I know it’s there if I need it - all being well, I won’t!
Supermarket I’m happy to pay towards the cost of the bits of the church that I want and enjoy The need is safety and by treating the church on my terms I feel safe and unchallenged. I see myself as a customer. Steps in giving Survival Survival
Support The work of the Church is important and so I’ll support it I have a need for belonging. I see myself as a member of the supporters’ club. Steps in giving Survival Survival Supermarket Supermarket
Subscription I see myself as a member and I wish to contribute to my fair share of the costs The need is identity – I’m recognised and I’m playing my part. Steps in giving Survival Survival Supermarket Supermarket Support Support
Submission My understanding of being a disciple is that I should put God first in my life I see a deeper meaning in life and my giving responds to God and not just the needs of the Church. Steps in giving Survival Survival Supermarket Supermarket Support Support Subscription Subscription
Sacrifice My Christian calling is to be Christ-like and so naturally I give joyfully and sacrificially - following Christ Steps in giving Survival Survival Supermarket Supermarket Support Support Subscription Subscription Submission Submission
Survival I give a bit when I’m asked Survival I give a bit when I’m asked Supermarket I pay for the bits I enjoy Supermarket I pay for the bits I enjoy Support The Church is important and I’ll support it Support The Church is important and I’ll support it Subscription I see myself as a member paying my dues Subscription I see myself as a member paying my dues Submission I am a disciple with all that involves Submission I am a disciple with all that involves Sacrifice I am called to be Christ-like and act accordingly Sacrifice I am called to be Christ-like and act accordingly Steps in giving
FROMTO When we’re desperate ………...the rhythm of church life Focus on paying the bills…………. equipping disciples Thanks assumed…………. valuing donors by thanking them Givers in the dark …………….knowing what giving enables Hard work & duty…………...experiencing the joy of giving