COMPREHENSIVE STEWARDSHIP A Program of Spiritual Development
Comprehensive stewardship rests on three distinct yet interdependent parts: Comprehensive stewardship rests on three distinct yet interdependent parts: Part 1: Year Round Stewardship Part 1: Year Round Stewardship Part 2: Annual Events Part 2: Annual Events Part 3: Periodic Emphases Part 3: Periodic Emphases
These three parts comprise a program with great potential for Christians to grow in their relationship with God and neighbors. These three parts comprise a program with great potential for Christians to grow in their relationship with God and neighbors.
The program is a guide with concrete activities designed to develop the Christian as a steward of the manifold gifts of God. The program is a guide with concrete activities designed to develop the Christian as a steward of the manifold gifts of God.
The key is to focus the believer’s attention on God’s resources. The key is to focus the believer’s attention on God’s resources. They have been generously and freely given. They have been generously and freely given. They are to be used to the glory of God and the betterment of the neighbor and creation. They are to be used to the glory of God and the betterment of the neighbor and creation.
PART ONE: YEAR ROUND STEWARDSHIP The elements of a year round stewardship program include: The elements of a year round stewardship program include:
COMMUNICATION OF BIBLICAL TEACHING ON STEWARDSHIP COMMUNICATION OF BIBLICAL TEACHING ON STEWARDSHIP Newsletter Newsletter Bulletin Bulletin Website Website Temple Talks Temple Talks Sunday School Curriculum Sunday School Curriculum Youth Group Youth Group
MISSION INTERPRETATION MISSION INTERPRETATION Congregational ministries Congregational ministries Synodical ministries Synodical ministries Churchwide ministries Churchwide ministries
NEW MEMBER INTEGRATION Pledge Pledge Time/Talents Time/Talents Ministry Orientation Ministry Orientation Spiritual Gifts Inventory Spiritual Gifts Inventory
SELF CARE Exercise programs Exercise programs Family care Family care
CARE OF COMMUNITY Seeing Jesus in the least and Seeing Jesus in the least and responding responding
Care of Creation recycling recycling litter prevention litter prevention car pooling car pooling
REGULAR REPORTING Quarterly statements of financial giving Quarterly statements of financial giving compared to pledge / estimate compared to pledge / estimate Thank you notes Thank you notes
FOLLOW UP Prayer, encouragement and concern for those who are behind or absent. Prayer, encouragement and concern for those who are behind or absent.
ELECTRONIC / AUTOMATIC GIVING ELECTRONIC / AUTOMATIC GIVING Alternative and convenient ways to give Alternative and convenient ways to give A card for the offering plate A card for the offering plate
CHURCH SEASONS EMPHASIS CHURCH SEASONS EMPHASIS Advent/Christmas - gifts to better the lives of others (clothes, Advent/Christmas - gifts to better the lives of others (clothes, food) food) Epiphany/Lent - spiritual disciplines (prayer/devotions, Bible, Epiphany/Lent - spiritual disciplines (prayer/devotions, Bible, worship, fasting) and the use of time, ministry commitments, worship, fasting) and the use of time, ministry commitments, visioning visioning Easter/Pentecost and season after Pentecost - mission, ministry, and outreach through the three expressions of the church, care of the environment, financial response, storytelling budget Easter/Pentecost and season after Pentecost - mission, ministry, and outreach through the three expressions of the church, care of the environment, financial response, storytelling budget
PART TWO: ANNUAL EVENTS FINANCIAL RESPONSE FINANCIAL RESPONSE Many different programs available Many different programs available Typically a six week program in the fall Typically a six week program in the fall
MINISTRY COMMITMENTS MINISTRY COMMITMENTS An opportunity to discern involvement An opportunity to discern involvement in the life of the congregation in the life of the congregation
STORYTELLING BUDGET STORYTELLING BUDGET Details how the budget connects to mission and vision Details how the budget connects to mission and vision Mission Support for Mission Support for Synod and Churchwide Synod and Churchwide
VISION FOR MINISTRY What is God’s preferred future for us? What is God’s preferred future for us? Listening for God’s invitation Listening for God’s invitation
Earth Day (National Environmental Education Week is April 12-18, 2009 Be Water Wise!) (National Environmental Education Week is April 12-18, 2009 Be Water Wise!)
National Day of Prayer (May 7, 2009)