Brighton & Hove, Safe and Well School Survey Data, 2013 QuestionPrimarySecondaryYour School No extra helpExtra helpNo extra helpExtra helpExtra Help Bullied this term 16%27%11%24% Feel safe at school 93%91%90%82% Enjoy coming to school 92%87%78%69% Ever bullied6%12%7%16% Have someone I can tell if I am bullied 93%91%87%85%
See the person, not just their impairment Try not to make assumptions Unsure or need to know something? Ask! Accept what the disabled person says about themselves and their impairment Remember not all conditions are visible Remember that fair does not mean we all get the same it means getting what we need. Brighton & Hove Core Messages
Think about the assembly that you have had this week. In pairs can you sum up what is meant by this phrase ?
Learning Intention To empathise with people different to yourself To recognise how your own values influence choices and behaviour To examine the role peers can make in supporting one another Get into groups of three. You need a director and two actors. Choose a script and get performing. You need to clearly understand what is being said Everyone needs to have a role You need to make the script engaging for the audience
Transcript- Wheelchair Scene- The man is a wheelchair user and he is on a busy high street. He is the man speaking to camera. I don’t want your pity, your sympathy. I don’t want you staring at me constantly and saying aahh, the poor disabled guy in the wheelchair, what a shame. I don’t want you to feel the need to turn away from me either. Like everyone from time to time I need a helping hand- I’ll admit it. I don’t want you to think that you have to treat me differently because of it. And in case you were thinking this is an appeal asking for money? No I don’t want your money. All I want is maybe next time …and you need the time and you need to know how to get somewhere or you need to know the time…instead of asking him (indicates to an able bodied person walking by) why not ask me? SEE THE PERSON, NOT THE DISABILITY
Wheelchair In the script, a young man in a wheelchair addresses the prejudices he is faced with. What do you think they are and how can people can overcome them? Wheelchair In the script, a young man in a wheelchair addresses the prejudices he is faced with. What do you think they are and how can people can overcome them? See The Person Not The Disability
Transcript- W****r Scene- Two men sit chatting. One man has his back to the other. The man we can see has a visual disability. He is the man speaking. When our eyes met across the pub it could have been a lovely moment but for the fact that next to her was her boyfriend who also turned round and looked at me and he called me a w*****r! It made my day! SEE THE PERSON, NOT THE DISABILITY IxYc
W****r In this script, why do you think the actor says that being called ‘a w****r’ made his day? W****r In this script, why do you think the actor says that being called ‘a w****r’ made his day? See The Person Not The Disability
Some disabled people don't like the slogan, 'See the person, not the disability'. Can you think what might be wrong with it, from their point of view? Some disabled people don't like the slogan, 'See the person, not the disability'. Can you think what might be wrong with it, from their point of view? See The Person Not The Disability
They believe that what it should actually say is The guy in the wheelchair can’t use his legs, he hasn’t lost the ability to tell the time! The guy in the pub is capable of being as cheeky as the next person! They believe that what it should actually say is The guy in the wheelchair can’t use his legs, he hasn’t lost the ability to tell the time! The guy in the pub is capable of being as cheeky as the next person! 'See the person, not their impairment'.
Do I use language that could be hurtful or offensive to disabled people?- think back to the words from assembly Do I treat disabled people differently? Do I really know enough about how disabled people live and what the challenges are in their daily lives? Do I pity or patronise disabled people? Do I use language that could be hurtful or offensive to disabled people?- think back to the words from assembly Do I treat disabled people differently? Do I really know enough about how disabled people live and what the challenges are in their daily lives? Do I pity or patronise disabled people? We all need to look to ourselves Get talking
We can all do some things and can't do others. Do we call this a "disability"? We should see people's ability - and not their disability. There are over 8.5 million disabled people in the UK. Of all the disadvantaged groups in society, the disabled are the most socially excluded. What can we do in our school to change this ? We can all do some things and can't do others. Do we call this a "disability"? We should see people's ability - and not their disability. There are over 8.5 million disabled people in the UK. Of all the disadvantaged groups in society, the disabled are the most socially excluded. What can we do in our school to change this ? Get Thinking
As a class do we have some ideas that we could take back to the Equalities Council ? Think Pair Share
Disability is a matter of perception Martina Navratilova, a successful tennis player said: ‘What we choose to see in people impacts on how we treat them - whether they are disabled or able bodied. If we see the wheelchair first, we may not see the person. If we focus on a person's impairment, how will we ever know them?’